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Heey guys, soo the Valentine’s specials might be prolonged for a bit longer. As much as I hate to say it, I’m getting REALLY beat up by school, like seriously. I have SO MUCH to do in such little time! I can barely take a 30 minute break for myself. I’m SO sorry, I’ll do my best to write as much as I can even if I barely have free time.
@ Kaz_WritesFanfics be like me Good Grades + Writing (or doing whatever I want = no sleep Worth it
Heey guys, soo the Valentine’s specials might be prolonged for a bit longer. As much as I hate to say it, I’m getting REALLY beat up by school, like seriously. I have SO MUCH to do in such little time! I can barely take a 30 minute break for myself. I’m SO sorry, I’ll do my best to write as much as I can even if I barely have free time.
@ Kaz_WritesFanfics be like me Good Grades + Writing (or doing whatever I want = no sleep Worth it
Pssst, you! Heey you, reader!! Do u wanna get sneak peaks and spoilers of my future works…? Or would you like to interact with me, and with other people, every now and then? Well, what’cha waitin’ for? Come and join my Discord server!! :D https://discord.gg/bnM3x4EB2p I am not quite active on Discord, but I do my best! I also often post spoilers when I can :) (reposted my discord server link ‘cus my server’s dead af and I’m lonely)
@ Kaz_WritesFanfics dat sucks cuz discord's blocked in my country and I can't even log into my acc even wit a VPN :sob:
What do you guys think about songfics?? I'm planning for the Envy and Vuzi Valentines day specials to be inspired by 2 certain songs teehee :3 My word count goal for these songfics is about 1,500 words minimum maybe...
@RandomUserArandomguy The names of the songs will indeed be included in the fics! Awesome sauce!! :3
Whoops, forgot to announce about the Poll results! Sorry, I was busy with school. Anyways, the results of the poll are… *drum roll* 1 VOTE on Thad x Uzi! 2 VOTES on oilrose! 4 LEADING VOTES.. on envy and vuzi!!!! Well, shit. No tiebreaker happened whatsoever, but it’s alright! I guess this means I’ll have to cook up a Valentine’s special for both envy and vuzi! I guess I’ll heading off to my corner, where I’ll be forcing myself to write!! /j That’s all for this announcement, folks. Have a good day/night!
@Kaz_WritesFanfics if it seems like I'm pushing my hc on ya, my apologies
@TheRealCynTheSolver You really don't need to mention that, yk? It honestly feels like you’re attempting to shove your headcanon down my throat. Let me enjoy envy in peace pls!!
Hmmm…. Seems like eNVy and VUzi are having a tie in the Valentine’s special Poll… Oh well, I’ll just wait and see if we get a tiebreaker! And if not, I guess I’ll be doing a Valentine’s Special for both ships I suppose :,) The poll ends today, by the way!! Last chance to vote!
Shit, I forgot I even existed here. Anyways, quick trivia, but what ship would you guys prefer to have a Valentine’s special? 1. Bitter biscuits (eNVy) 2. Grape juice (ThadZi/ThUzi) 3. Rotten Plums (VUzi) 4. Corporate Psychosis (Oilrose/J x V) 5. Or others! (Give suggestions) Whichever ship gets the most votes wins! :3
Hey hey heeey :3 Chapter 13 of MIDLY has been successfully rewritten!! Yippie!!! You may now check it out :P
Heeeeyyy guyz… Soo um– BAD NEWS ‼️ Unfortunately my school is hosting Prom on EXACTLY February 14 (in my timezone) so I won’t be able to upload a Valentine’s Day special on, or before the day of my Prom. Soo yeah, if I ever do decide to make a Valentine’s Day special oneshot, it might be mayhaps a little late. I am also very sleep deprived at the moment after going through some rough things for the past 2 weeks, so I’ll still be recovering from such a cramped and busy schedule for a few days at most. But I am currently doing my best to finish chapter 13 of Newfound attachment, as well as rewriting the rest of the chapters of MIDLY too. That’s all for this life update. Thank you for reading!! :3
@Locolobo42 Nope, we don’t go to the same school unfortunately. If we did, chaos would reign.
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