
The 2024 year went by too quickly to comprehend. Life is moving along and we just have to enjoy the ride. THANK YOU for all the support and love for my books. It means so much to me and I adore you all. 
          	I hope this year is an amazing one for everybody and we all get the things we need and deserve the most.
          	Thank you for reading, Happy New Year <3


The 2024 year went by too quickly to comprehend. Life is moving along and we just have to enjoy the ride. THANK YOU for all the support and love for my books. It means so much to me and I adore you all. 
          I hope this year is an amazing one for everybody and we all get the things we need and deserve the most.
          Thank you for reading, Happy New Year <3


          The year is almost over but I am immensely greatful for the love on my books. Have a wonderful rest of your year and read lots <3
          Also if you have a dog give it a hug for me


I think I'm going to rewrite Kill You before I finish it because damn my writing was horrid.


@Lynnprescott lmao thank you so much for reading! I think I might publish another chapter tomorrow but no promises :)




@Lynnprescott for you... I'll publish a chapter today 


Even though I hate this day with a passion lol... I wanted to do something special for my readers. So I just posted an extra chapter for Unexpected because I appreciate all the attention it is getting. Thank you so so so so sooooo much! 
          I also posted Chapter One of Sacred last night and I will post a chapter of It's A Deal today. I hope you enjoy those and thank you for all the support on them.
          I hope you love it! Have a wonderful Valentines Day!


I just had a miniature heart attack when I thought Wattpad bad deleted all my drafts. Thanks for the quick mental break down for the New Year <3
          Happy New Year!!
          This year I would like to finish Kill You... continue Adrenaline... AND write a new book all about rich kids in L.A falling in love (based on a Taylor Swift song of course)
          Anyways I hope I can do that and have fun with it.
          Also! Thank you so much for all the views on Unexpected! I wrote that book a few years ago and decided to finish it and post it here! I definitely did not expect for it to grow the way it did. 
          I hope everyone has a good 2024