
Someone should petition for Wattpad to allow people to edit comments. I'd rather not delete a comment, retype it, send it, only for it to have yet another typo. °~°


Getting wisdom teeth taken out at 10am (est). So I most likely won't be on at all tomorrow :/ If I start saying wierd crap in Rp or something, remember that the dentist gave me some wierd medicines Lolol. Wish me luck!


I created a new cover for Spell Book of Time! Please vote on witch one is better. I really need input. 1 is for the previous story cover, and 2 is for this new one. I'll leave this cover up for a few days to see how you all like it. Please give me your opinion!!


And yes I know I made a typo...it annoys me how I can't fix it without deleting the post...