
Hello all my amazing followers and AWOQ readers! The time has come to remove my WIPs from Wattpad so I can prepare it for publishing in the near future. Thank you once again to everyone who has supported me on this amazing journey, and who gave me amazing feedback! 
          	Even though I'll remove my stuff from here, you can check out updates on my progress with the book on my IG account @ winsor.writes 
          	Love you all!!!


@EmersonWinter thank you so much <3


Hello all my amazing followers and AWOQ readers! The time has come to remove my WIPs from Wattpad so I can prepare it for publishing in the near future. Thank you once again to everyone who has supported me on this amazing journey, and who gave me amazing feedback! 
          Even though I'll remove my stuff from here, you can check out updates on my progress with the book on my IG account @ winsor.writes 
          Love you all!!!


@EmersonWinter thank you so much <3


Hello everyone!!! 
          I hope you are all doing well! I'm so sorry for being absent these past few months. I've been super busy editing A War of Queens, and I must say, it is way better than the current version on wattpad.
          That being said, the time has sadly come for me to make this announcement. As I move forward with publishing in mind, I have decided to move on from wattpad to have my work grow and florish in the world. 
          All of your support has helped me tremendously throughout the two years that I've worked on this project, and I am forever grateful! I will be removing A War of Queens and the short pieces relating to it by the end of July. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, but I hope you guys understand my ambitions for the story! 
          Another hope of mine is that everyone who supported me and enjoyed/enjoys my writing would someday purchase my works when they get published someday. I'll definitely be writing updates here with regards to this! I won't leave you guys in the dark! 
          If you'd like to reach out, you can always message me on my IG: winsor.writes


@bosandaros Thank you so so much! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time!!


@KeaniCupido Go forth and let your little wings spread. Proud of you.


Hey there polyglot, you're impressive to me, an American that can speak all but one language (guess which one). And some broken French. Learning to learn.


@bosandaros Heyy there!! Ah thanks so much omg! You know broken anything is still something. I can say the same about my Mandarin and Swedish ^^




@KeaniCupido Ahh sorry bout that 


@_Ash_es I'm so stressed haha xD


@KeaniCupido I'm goood :D you?


Heyyy everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the fresh air of the new year so far! 
          I wanted to give a small update on things. I continue to edit A War of Queens in my docs in preperation for publishing which is ...a lot of fun. It's hard to explain but editing is both tedious and fun because I can enhance the story yet it takes a lot of patience and discipline to do this. But the work goes on!
          I am also writing the second book (title will remain a secret for now) and all I can say for now is that it's intense, it's sad and it's brutal. Already in the first couple of chapters and already the tone is set. Which makes sense because of you know...if you know you know. So wish me luck on that guys!


Started writing book 2 of AWOQ already and boy is it intense stuff. It's the part when an author needs to dive into very dark territory and I am scared I'll be stuck there since I think about these characters all the time.
          If you've read until the end of book 1, you'll know what is about to happen in Solaureus. The moment we've been waiting for. And things are going down. Things are going to be dark...really dark and very gory, emotional and intense. There is a reason why the war of queens was known as the most bloody war ever in my world. If I were to rename this war, it'd be the war of pure and immense hatred. 
          Wish me luck with this one guys, and let us pray for those who will be affected in these lands during this difficult time.