
Hey guys. Fox here...umm... I wanted to let you guys know that you can find me on Instagram and Snapchat. IG is caligirl1415. and Snapchat is caligirl1514. so make sure you follow me on both. and make sure to check out my awesome friend, Garrettontheweb. He's on YouTube. so make sure to check him out.


Hey guys. Fox here...umm... I wanted to let you guys know that you can find me on Instagram and Snapchat. IG is caligirl1415. and Snapchat is caligirl1514. so make sure you follow me on both. and make sure to check out my awesome friend, Garrettontheweb. He's on YouTube. so make sure to check him out.


Hey guys. Keanna here and I just wanted to ask you guys what's up?  So... a little about me. well I'm 14 about to turn 15 in September. I am a wrestler and I kick box in the summer. I'm pretty badass, well I think I am. And last but not least, I'm proud of where I came from. Just be yourself