
Welp, onto writing chapter 17 of “Brothas” it’s gonna be lit, y’all.
          	Hence, it will be more drama on the way, so buckle up as the story still unfolds 


Thanks for all the support on my stories! 


@InkLikeADragon Also, thank you for supporting my story as well.
            It means a lot 


You’re welcome, I’m a big fan of the Yakuza series, well especially I’ve played Like a Dragon a few times or so lol


Honestly, I have absolutely no clue why or how this happened.
          I mean, why did I decide to write about four male friends and give them the name 'brotha circle,' similar to the 'Sista Circle' from the BET show 'Sistas'? Maybe I was unconsciously influenced by it or something.
          On a different note, I'm actually really thrilled that I included Ichiban in my story after spending so much time playing Like a Dragon a few times since he's my favorite character, so it just felt like the right thing to do. It's pretty awesome how everything came together.
          Anyway, I'll be taking a little break from writing 'Brothas' for now. The story has been quite intense and I need some time to recharge. But who knows, maybe I'll revisit it later. The drama in the story is just too irresistible!


Hey everybody, so, it’s been a long time since I’ve write fanfic stories and then the next minute my brain just tells me that I need to take a break from writing. 
          Not to mention that I was in a long hiatus of writing, and I was intentionally lurking by reading and I was unaware that I may be uninspired for some technical reasons which I was busy with everything.
          So, I have an huge announcement to share that I will get back to writing stories and hatch ideas, and, yeah.
          Oh, also I will be cooking up new fresh of story will be coming soon, so be there or be square Haha, just kidding