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I'm injurred...It's my fault. I had a mini motorbike accident.
basically my dad has this friend Rowan and he and my dad and 3 other guys worked at this software developing company together. my dad doesn't work there anymore but Rowan and the others do and they suggested a get together at his house. They all brought their families but most kids were babies or toddlers accept rowan's kids. When me and my brother got there his kids weren't there because they were going to see the lord of the rings musical, which sounds long and boring, no offense to j.r.r.tolkien or his fans, the only character i like is Golim cause he slays. Anyway Rowan has these things. imagine a motor bike but smaller. you don't. need a licence to use one so he let me and my brother ride them in an grass oval 50 metres away. my brother and my dad love the motogp and when i see it the racers are always turning and leaning really close to the ground, so i decided to try, i complelty forgot that i was not a pro like they were. the first few times i leaned quite close to the ground, then i actually did hit the ground, i only banged my left knee a bit tho. so I did what any normal person would do, i got back up and kept on leaning. Now this bike can go up to 40 km per hour which is very fast when you're only wearing a helmet for protection. I was going 35km per hour when a leaned too far again, this time it was worse. The front wheel banged into my left ankle and my left knee banged into the ground, then because gravity wasn't done fucking with me, the motor bike fell on my right knee.
I'm limping guys, it hurts :(