Hey guys, just wanted to say to the few people who might possibly notice my book. If you need help you can talk to me and I will try my best to understand.
Now I know that you might think that there is no way I could understand or help but I can, as long as you trust me and explain I believe that I can put myself in your place mentally and give you the best help I can.
I'm no phsychologist, currently I'm only thirteen, but I want to help people and I've been able to imagine myself what some one is going through in a situation and I'm believe that I'm smart enough to be able to help.
I'm not all that helpful at school and don't really like to go deep within myself and spill over for people but I will if that's what it will take for you to open up. I know that it's based but sometimes it's better to even just tell someone and get it off your chest.