
Alright, I'm going to change my name from 'Brook Dumbledore' to 'Keen Moore'. Bigger change than I planned, but whatever. My two best friends helped me pick it from a list of names I like, one liked 'Keen' the other 'Moore', so I combined the two. 'Keen' is a reference to Mallory Keen from Magnus Chase, while I just like the name 'Moore'.
          	What do you guys think?
          	Anyway, I don't know how many of you would like it, but I have an ongoing fanfiction called 'The Gifts and Curses of Magic', it would mean a lot to me if you would check it out to see if you like it. It doesn't have a cover yet, but I'm working on it.
          	Another fanfiction is 'No Place to Hide', it's main characters are Nico di Angelo, Will Solace and a Hunter of Artemis named Sipriotes. I created it for a competition. Just wanted to tell you, in case you were looking for a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo fanfiction.


Alright, I'm going to change my name from 'Brook Dumbledore' to 'Keen Moore'. Bigger change than I planned, but whatever. My two best friends helped me pick it from a list of names I like, one liked 'Keen' the other 'Moore', so I combined the two. 'Keen' is a reference to Mallory Keen from Magnus Chase, while I just like the name 'Moore'.
          What do you guys think?
          Anyway, I don't know how many of you would like it, but I have an ongoing fanfiction called 'The Gifts and Curses of Magic', it would mean a lot to me if you would check it out to see if you like it. It doesn't have a cover yet, but I'm working on it.
          Another fanfiction is 'No Place to Hide', it's main characters are Nico di Angelo, Will Solace and a Hunter of Artemis named Sipriotes. I created it for a competition. Just wanted to tell you, in case you were looking for a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo fanfiction.


In the face of Rowling's recent Tweets and the essay on her website, I want to change my name from BrookDumbledore to something else. Does anyone have ideas? I was not able to figure out a name I like as much as I liked 'Dumbledore'.
          This change does not mean, that I dislike Harry Potter, as the story is still very important to me, I just don't want to be associated with her merely because of my name.
          Any ideas would be very welcome, but you can, of course, discuss this most recent controversy in the replies to this announcement, if you feel the need to.


Ich habe entschieden, meinen kompletten Accout Englisch zu machen, meine bisher veröffentlichten Geschichten werden da bleiben, aber Fangirls in Fandoms wir auf Englisch übersetzt und erweitert und ich werde voraussichtlich keine deutschen Kapitel mehr hoch laden. Tut mir leid für alle, die meine Geschichten mochten, aber kein/kaum Englisch können. Ich bin für all eure Unterstützung sehr dankbar.


@KendallKB I checked it out and really enjoy it. The chapters are a bit too short for my taste, but they're really good quality-wise! Quality is more important than quantity, so the length isn't really important. I enjoyed reading it. The story is original and I'll keep reading as soon as the next chapter is released. It's rally a good story!


Ich habe gerade eines der letzten Kapitel vom ersten Band der Fangirls in Fandoms - Reihe hochgeladen. Ich habe immer noch keinen besseren Namen für die Reihe. 
          Außerdem möchte ich sagen, dass es mir wirklich leid tut. Wenn ihr das Buch gelesen habt, wisst ihr, was ich meine.
          Schönen Tag noch!


Das nächste Kapitel von 'Fangirls in Fandoms - Magical Appearance' ist jetzt hochgeladen! Ich vermute, es werden noch so zwei oder drei Kapitel sein, bevor das Buch zu Ende ist, worauf ich ziemlich Stolz bin.
          Wie ich schonmal gesagt habe, würde es mich echt freuen, wenn ein paar von euch sich das Buch mal anschauen würden, da es mir inzwischen sehr am Herzen liegt. 
          Falls euch ein besserer Titel einfällt, könnt ihr mir Ideen auch gerne schreiben.