
Whew. University has a habit of eating up all of one's time. I'm glad I got this chapter out before I got completely swamped! Enjoy!


Hey, guys. Sorry for being silent for so long, but this year has become quite the nightmare, as it has for everyone else, I'm sure. For a few months now I've sat looking at a finished chapter unsure of why I wouldn't post it but I guess it's to do with this crushing isolation we're all experiencing. I suppose I thought it was pointless to post my work when no one really reads it anyways. But after yesterday, I had a surge of creativity and decided to finally get off my ass and write. I owe it to the characters I made. Enjoy!


Hey, guys! Long time, err-... no chapter. Heh. So where was I? Long story short: busy with life, mixed in with some willful procrastination. In all seriousness, I had to take a step back for a bit to clear my head and figure out where I wanted to go with Yonder. Luckily, after some encouragement, I found a direction and wrote nonstop this week. So I'm back for now. Don't worry, everyone. If I ever give up, I'll make sure I tell you. No news is good news like they always say! 
          Good to be back!


Well, either way, we’re glad to have you back! It was a good chapter, and I can’t wait to see the next one!


Whaaaat?! A chapter is out and it hasn't even been two weeks?! Yeah, I'm surprised too. I was kind of on a roll this past week and figured you guys needed a treat after so little content for so long. Anyways, I've got a new chapter of Yonder out! Hope you enjoy! :)


Hey! I'm not dead! Whoa, crazy, I know. Yeah, I apologize for the lack of updates this month. The holiday season is quite a hectic time of year for yours truly. Regardless, I'm pleased to bring you a brand new chapter of Yonder! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it! And Happy Belated Holidays to everyone! :)


Hey, I just figured out how announcements work (after two years on this site because I'm lazy lol) and I'd like to ask ya'll a question. I'm curious... who are your favourite fictional villains and why?


@gruber_meister Hearing your synopsis intrigues me! I'll have to check that out in my spare time.


@Keeponkickingkid Gerard Butler's character (Clyde Shelton) from Law Abiding Citizen. The man is a psychopath, but ridiculously brilliant, and uses some elaborate schemes to get what he wants. Basically his wife is murdered and a prosecutor cuts a deal with the murderer so that he'll roll on some other criminals, lessening the sentence. Clyde sees this as injustice, since his wife was murdered and the murderer gets 10 years and then freedom. The day he gets out of prison, Clyde murders him and admits to it. The prosecutor shows up and Clyde tells him to fix the broken legal system, or Clyde will continue murdering. He doesn't take it seriously, since Clyde is already in prison. But then he strikes... from prison... multiple times. It's a narrative that really makes you start rooting for the villain. A lot of people trashed it, but I was very entertained by the premise.


@RaphaelaLee Ah, Syndrome. That's a good one. Five year-old me rooted for the guy so much back when I first watched The Incredibles; he was the kind of guy you love to hate.