
          	Hi again y'all!
          	I've decided to post the first few chapters of the book I'm working on right now and maybe see what you guys think. I do plan to publish this book traditionally, so unfortunately only the first few chapters will be on here, but I figure it can't do any harm to post something after such a long hiatus. So hello again!! <3
          	That also means I'm looking for critique partners! If you want some editing on a few chapters of your book, I'll give thoughtful feedback on as much of your work as you give for mine, just on my newest book (so, like, tops four or five chapters). DM if you're interested! Also, I'm an English Linguistics major, so if that affects your decision, I can be all fancy and call myself a pre-professional editor. 


@Kehanni I'll let you know when I'm finished with it 


          Hi again y'all!
          I've decided to post the first few chapters of the book I'm working on right now and maybe see what you guys think. I do plan to publish this book traditionally, so unfortunately only the first few chapters will be on here, but I figure it can't do any harm to post something after such a long hiatus. So hello again!! <3
          That also means I'm looking for critique partners! If you want some editing on a few chapters of your book, I'll give thoughtful feedback on as much of your work as you give for mine, just on my newest book (so, like, tops four or five chapters). DM if you're interested! Also, I'm an English Linguistics major, so if that affects your decision, I can be all fancy and call myself a pre-professional editor. 


@Kehanni I'll let you know when I'm finished with it 


I know I'm not going to post the entire book because I'm still planning on publishing it if I can, but would it be cruel to post only the first few chapters of the book I'm working on right now?… 


@--icaruss__ well, when you put it that way, I suppose I just might. XD


@Kehanni well, it would be a good marketing technique. Have them get into it, letting us know the plot, try it out, and buy it if we like it
            So yes


How's life for y'all? Spring break? Lent? Jobs?


@--icaruss__  You can do it!! I'm cheering for you!  \( >0<)/


@Kehanni I'm on a pretzel and Oreo diet. Art is the food I consume now, until I ascend to a higher plane of existence which is being an Artist's Alley vendor.
            That of course if they accept me—


@--icaruss__ *le gasp* comic con?? That sounds so fun! I haven't drawn in such a long time, props for commitment. Do make sure to take showers and eat every now and then tho, gots to take care of yourself  ;>


It is occurring to me, ten days into ONC and having not even finished my initial plotting, that I may not have time to write a novella in the next 90 days.  :|
          Welp, we'll see if I make the word goal by the end of this month with work and school and college applications, but if I don't, I can at least take comfort in the knowledge that I have another really cool story idea. We'll see, maybe I'll still post it on here for fun even if I don't make the ONC, but I already have two other projects I'm supposed to be working on this year and I have no idea what kind of time I'll have once I start college in the fall. A lot of unknowns. Conclusion: maybe you'll see a new book pop up on my profile in the next few weeks about cursed forests, rebellious sisters, and beauty-and-the-beast vibe monster transformations, and maybe you won't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          With that, randomly personal ramble over. Peace out. *vanishes in an explosion of pink sparkles*


Anyone thinking of writing an ONC entry and just not entering it? I'd be cool with that. Or are we boycotting for IP rights and not writing anything at all? I'd be cool with that, too. Thoughts?


@Kehanni I mean, I definitely thought about that, haha, I just don’t know how we’d all be able to find each other.


@ Kehanni  writing an ONC, submitting round one and two or maybe not even entering and just vibing along with everything. Just we gotta make sure to put the ONC tag to it so we keep a fraction of the good ol' fun. 


Hello fellow Brandon Sanderson enthusiast. It's me again, haunted by The Duchess Cannot Sleep and trying to decide whether to procrastinate on everything a little more or begin rereading it. 


@Kehanni that could work, too, yes.
            But as it was announced he began writing on Stormlight book five, I think we'll have to wait for a fourth Skyward for a while.


@--icaruss__ You like Sanderson too? That's awesome! I personally can't wait to read the complete Skyward series. As for your predicament… eenie meenie miney mo?


Yesterday marked The Book of Trials' third birthday. *sniffle*
          Now I know how parents feel. They grow up so fast. 2019 was like six months ago y'all what happened


@--icaruss__ too true *sad emoji*


@ Kehanni  pandemic happened