It is occurring to me, ten days into ONC and having not even finished my initial plotting, that I may not have time to write a novella in the next 90 days. :|
Welp, we'll see if I make the word goal by the end of this month with work and school and college applications, but if I don't, I can at least take comfort in the knowledge that I have another really cool story idea. We'll see, maybe I'll still post it on here for fun even if I don't make the ONC, but I already have two other projects I'm supposed to be working on this year and I have no idea what kind of time I'll have once I start college in the fall. A lot of unknowns. Conclusion: maybe you'll see a new book pop up on my profile in the next few weeks about cursed forests, rebellious sisters, and beauty-and-the-beast vibe monster transformations, and maybe you won't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With that, randomly personal ramble over. Peace out. *vanishes in an explosion of pink sparkles*