
I have decided to replicate my works on AO3. Therefore, I no longer want to write fanfics on Wattpad anymore and will be only reading them instead.


On May 6th, Wattpad will be removing user-to-user PMs. 
          Sadlyn we can only receive PMs from Wattpad's affiliate accounts.


@SSJ4_Sayu Originally it was April 30th. Then, Wattpad move it to May 6th after I updated the app.


@Keikeu1 It's cute how they think I'll respond to their PM's, cause I'm not. Also, it's the 30th of April for me. And also also, jokes on them, I have a discord!


I've been noticing some of the mature fanfics I enjoyed reading have been reported due to the violation of the guidelines or something like that.
          Wattpad has been becoming more and more stricter with its' guidelines for mature contents.