
Okay, guys, I’ve decided I AM gonna do an ONC Book Club. I’ll have everything posted on 12:00 pm EST Feb 1st around when prompts go live. All you’ll need to apply is your basic novella information, so I have time to make proper matches between partners. If you want to be tagged in the comments when I post it, let me know on this post and I’ll tag you!


@KeiraKnox1 I’m in for sure. I’ll look for your bookclub on the 1st. 


Okay, guys, I’ve decided I AM gonna do an ONC Book Club. I’ll have everything posted on 12:00 pm EST Feb 1st around when prompts go live. All you’ll need to apply is your basic novella information, so I have time to make proper matches between partners. If you want to be tagged in the comments when I post it, let me know on this post and I’ll tag you!


@KeiraKnox1 I’m in for sure. I’ll look for your bookclub on the 1st. 


Anyone doing ONC this year? Are you excited? Worried? Meh? Personally I’m excited. I’m busy with school but I’m gonna do my best to compete this year. 
          I’m thinking of doing a book club because I always have a hard time finding ones by other users that are current. Would anyone be interested?


@KeiraKnox1 thank you! I'll do some more research on it, as while I'm not too confident I still love a challengee. 


@kemmyd I understand the trepidation! ONC is a good learning opportunity if you’re comfortable enough to go for it. I think you’d do amazing <3


Not sure if I'm confident enough to join this year :( 
            still have so much to learn. As for the book club, heck yeah! Let me know if you started it and I'll join ♥︎ I also have a discord book club with 11 members so far from the Wattpad community.


For anyone experiencing a drop in followers, keep in mind that it's because Wattpad is closing inactive accounts. Unfortunately, I lost 40-50 followers because of this and dropped back down under 500 after working hard to grow my follower count. Don't be disheartened! I'm trying my best not to be.


Hey, guys! I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season! I can tell it’s been a minute since I’ve logged in when I have a bunch of notifications… If you have time, check out this review of The Bright Side of Darkness on the @Romance profile! Happy holidays!


Exam season! Anyone else stressed? Are you still trying to make time for writing or are you taking a short break like me? Make sure to prioritize your physical and mental health! The exam/holiday season can be rough, so give yourself some grace! <3


Question of the week! (or month, honestly. I'm so bad at this):
          If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be?
          Personally, I'd be interested in being a snake. It would be interesting to have that type of bone structure and being able to squiggle around everywhere.


Question of the week! What are you most looking forward to next year? Also, are you doing NaNo (30 day challenge) this year?


@SunshineBandito that’s good! I don’t have time this year but I’ll be cheering everyone on


I’m doing nanowrimo. It’s going pretty okay.