Though you would probably have to consider how these play into Sparrow’s life; Ibis and Tern hatching a year after Sparrow and Cardinal getting married, Ibis being a firescales and tern being both fireless and sickly, deciding to not throw her kids off a cliff, finding an animus to enchant Ibis’s firescales and maybe help with Tern, Tern’s poor health and Ibis’s literal fiery temper tantrums, Tern’s death, Ibis’s Grief and Sparrow’s own grief from her 2year old son dying, adopting a two year old skinny and very abused Crane a year later, Crane’s trauma and helping him, getting Crane Therapy, Crane not leaving the palace, Crane getting a penpal, and anything else that may involve them and impact Sparrow as their mother. Also the possibility of Crane’s original horrible family of assassins (excluding hawk) trying to kill Sparrow and Cardinal and get their son back.