@daff123 thank you and please continue you are very creative and talented you have a very special gift God has blessed you with and your using it in a mighty way I'm just thankful to be a partaker of it on this end! Have a great evening. Until we chat again...
I would never!!! Im about to bless u love! U sent me a message right when somone else was playing grammar police and it caused me to stop in the middle of updating teachers mate two. Thank you because u revamped me and God did bless me which came through you...ill never forget u for that♡
@daff123 hey I'm enjoying teachers mate it's crazy he has my same last name part of it and goes by my same nick name cam lol. Continue to keep writing great stories when one of these becomes a movie don't forget about me? Thanks God BLESS!
@daff123 thanks for the update on; teachers mate: omega an Alpha King was great I hope one day you can make a movie your. Movie will be way better than twilight believe me! Thanks again.