
Just wanting to apologise for publishing, and then unpublishing, FLAME (chapter in my Naruto ff). I meant to save it, not publish it, because I was working on it on my phone while I was at work and have not in any way proof-read it! Please let me know if anyone is seeing these announcements 


Just wanting to apologise for publishing, and then unpublishing, FLAME (chapter in my Naruto ff). I meant to save it, not publish it, because I was working on it on my phone while I was at work and have not in any way proof-read it! Please let me know if anyone is seeing these announcements 


Life happens, my ute broke down and I still don't have it back since April! I've been working really hard to get it back and I haven't had time to proof-read the next chapters to post.
          Yesterday was also the 6 year death anniversary of my stepmum, she was a lovely lady, and I 'lost the plot' (cried lots, binged chocolate, and ate a 2lt tub of icecream). 
          I'm sorry guys.
          I don't like to wait for updates and I've kept you all waiting. I'll try harder to write for you and finish my stories.
          Love you, be safe.


Remembering our ANZACs today, on April 25th.
          September 1914.
          They went with songs to the battle, they were young, 
          Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. 
          They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted:
          They fell with their faces to the foe. 
          They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
          Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
          At the going down of the sun and in the morning, 
          We will remember them. 
          Lest We Forget.


Hey guys and gals, Hope you haven't missed me too much (am unlikely event) but I've gotten the next chapter almost done, once editing is finished I should be able to publish. 
          I will not be online at all tomorrow as it's my adopted brother's funeral. He was only 38 years old (beginning his 39th year). 
          ALWAYS tell people you love them because you don't know if they'll wake up dead, you don't know if they'll ever come home again, or anything like that because today is not promised. You need to always let your important people know that you love them. <3 <3 <3
          I love you. You are important. You are enough.
          If the only thing you did today was get out of bed, I'm proud of you. You did good. You are enough.


@BilsCoochiee Thank you, I appreciate your comment. It really helped my day improve. Borahae


@KellShipsThat aww. i don’t know you too well yet but 
            i hope the funeral went okay, im so sorry for your loss
            i love you! you’re enough and important also 
            proud of you always <3


OMG - over 1000 words and I'm only about a fifth of the way into chapter 55 of You Were My Light. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have most of the rest of the chapter typed up from my notes, and by the end of the week I'll be able to publish Chapter 55- I'm Good, Baby. (spoiler, sorry)
          This week where I live in Australia, the temperature has been OVER 40 degrees Celcius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and I've been walking around the pool, Lifeguarding. It's been exhausting, but at the end of my shifts I was able to dunk myself in the deep end of the pool (1.8mt deep) and cool off - fully clothed in my lifeguard uniform!!
          Have a great week guys, wherever you happen to be in the world, and spread kindness like confetti <3 <3 <3


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Hi all, I have some shit news, I just got told we have a major house inspection in a week that I totally didn't forget about (lies)!
          I'll be putting You Were My Light on a 10 day hiatus as I won't have time to finish the chapter to publish it in 3 days like I'd hoped. I'll see you after Jan 30th - wish me luck with the hand push-mower! 


13 JAN 2024 update:
          Hey again, now that I've fixed the chapters and I'm up to date here, I'll be continuing all of my stories one at a time until they're finished. This is the first story I'll be finishing because I need to not have three going at the same time because it overwhelms me to the point I am unable to continue any of them.
          I know it's taken me months and months to get to this but I've had life get in the way. Thank you for your patience and I want you to know that I haven't by any means forgotten about any of my stories and they will all be finished.
          You Were My Light, Foolish Games, and Give Me One Good Reason (previously 13 Reasons) will all be completed, but Foolish Games and Give Me One Good Reason will be going on indefinite hiatus.
          Be safe. Ask for help if you need it.
          Look after your teeth - dental extractions can be a pain in the face, and the resulting need for a dental plate are freaking expensive (like AUD $7000.00 kind of expensive) !!!!!!
          Ouch to the bank balance I don't have.
          Love you guys, see you again soon when I come back with this chapter to be typed up this week. It's ridiculous long, I may split it into two once it's typed.
          Borahae, my ARMY friends <3