
I swear to you, I am writing a chapter... I have a plot line now... I think I can do this


So, I just realized there was a humungous error in my newest update, I didn't add the time dividers!!! I will try and fix it before Sunday, if not Sunday. Thank you to all who have continued to read my wacky, unorganized updates!


Hey looky there... I updated. It only took two or three months. Hehe, sorry. I had some writers block, and I needed to connect more with the story than before, I started writing this because something happened and I needed an escape. So I write this when I feel that. I hope you guys are enjoying this. I still don't know exactly where I want to go with this, but it is definitely going somewhere. ~K


Hehe.... I update on my own schedule... I don't want to give you false hope, but I might update this weekend sometime. The story has kind of reached a mellow point and is not very exciting... I'm hoping it becomes more so later on.


okay... so I didn't update like I said.... But! I have a good excuse.... I have to finish drivers ED before school starts, and it starts on Thursday for me... I'll try to update this week but like I said before, I'll be busy.... SORRY


I promise you I'm working on an update... I was at a dance camp, then on vacation for two weeks!!!!!! I'll hopefully be able to write today because I have a four hour drive to create it... Please don't give up on the book yet... I'm hoping you get a slight idea about why she left :) Thank you all!!