Hey beautiful souls on wattpad... How are you? and thank you for clicking on my profile.... :)
I am new here, having only joined this year (2020) when my daughter said to me " Mum, why don't you share your book "Flying Without Wings" on Wattpad to reach more people, and especially to assist in this amazing ascension "New Earth" path we are all currently experiencing ( yep, in many different ways) ha ha .... So here I am.
Flying Without Wings - is probably different to anything you've read, as these events and experiences I talk about are very much true and unique. ( Very different to the 3D physical world we live in) which I guess you could say that is most peoples reality.
Please check out my Synopsis to get a better understanding of what shines through in my book, (and its for all ages) along with many laughs. My website link shows you more about me, our path, and in a very brief paragraph on the home page, who we are, our mission for the planet and New Earth and why we "chose" to incarnate as ground crew on earth and part of "The Awakening Team" for humanity.... Yep, it took me by surprise - and "only a few decades" of the universe tapping me on the shoulder, or calling me up (as they say) to finally "pick up the phone ", and follow my Soul path/Blueprint!! .... And if this sounds a bit like you, well don't worry, because its better late than never, as the saying goes!
So I hope you enjoy... Much Love, Gratitude and Blessings <3 Kellie