
Good evening guys!
          	I apologize for my absence, I know in my last post I briefly spoke about what was to come as far as what I was working on and getting ready to publish. However I was not prepared to have relatives on both sides of the family go into the hospital in the same week. They are doing well now. However, I am currently getting over a long spat of bronchitis. I am hoping to be up to par by the weekend to begin updating and posting some fresh work. I just wanted to reach out and let you guys know I'm still here, and to say thank you for your patience. I also want to welcome a couple new followers...
          	Stay tuned everyone!!


Good evening guys!
          I apologize for my absence, I know in my last post I briefly spoke about what was to come as far as what I was working on and getting ready to publish. However I was not prepared to have relatives on both sides of the family go into the hospital in the same week. They are doing well now. However, I am currently getting over a long spat of bronchitis. I am hoping to be up to par by the weekend to begin updating and posting some fresh work. I just wanted to reach out and let you guys know I'm still here, and to say thank you for your patience. I also want to welcome a couple new followers...
          Stay tuned everyone!!


Hi everyone!
                        I've had alot going on lately, and had to put writing temporarily on hold till I could balance everything out. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm still here, and welcome my new followers. I hope to be back to writing by the weekend, and have some news on what's coming next by next week!! 
           Stay tuned everyone!