
A new book is up. The Bell Tolls. Read and vote please.


To my beautiful WONDERFUL fans,
          I am starting on the forth book, yes I know I haven't even made a dent in the other two but this is just too tantalizing...SO, I shall have a sneak peak and the first chapter up for you guys mid-day tomorrow.


Well, since no one answered than I suppose I'll take matters into my own hands. The books are going to be a series.  There will be four books...maybe more. If you haven't read HTHB then the entire series will not make ANY, FYI.


Okay my darlings! My new book 'The Primals' is up and running.  And apparently I didn't have the broadcast to fans box checked, so no one saw the question I asked earlier so, here it is:
          The way things have been turning out in 'The primal' HTHB, Wlf, and the Primal could turn into a series of books. Yes or no? Anyone?!?!


Okay. so I know I promised an update on HTHB however, there is something VERY important I need to ask my fans. The way things have been turning out in 'The primal' HTHB, Wlf, and the Primal could turn into a series of books. Yes or no? Anyone?!?!


Hello my lovelies and my pretties!!!! I am so sorry I haven't updated HTHB yet...still having a small block on the next chapter. HOWEVER. I am laying work for a secondary Werewolf book called "The Primal", I won't post until I have atleast 3 chapters written, so, FYI.


Hello my darling fans! Thanks so much for your ongoing support.  I know I promised a new chapter on HTHB, but I have the haunted house again tonight and tomorrow, so no update will take place until Sunday morning.  Again, thanks for all your guy;s amazingness.