
I love your book Cinder and Ella. I read she in germany. When is The next Part?


@ Pokilia1805  where can i read cinder and ella? Please


I love  the book cinder and ella! It's just  so cute!!!!


Excuse me. What happened to Cinder and Ella? I was completely immersed in the words that illuminated my screen. As I was going to change chapters, it wouldn't load so I exited out and tried to go back into it, but the book had disappeared from my library. I want to know what is going to happen with the two of them seeing as their relationship was progressing in a relatively normal pace speed, unlike a lot of books on this website. Can you please get back to me soon because I have told my friends about it and they both want to read this story as much as I want to find out where their relationship will go. There has to be a reason for you removing it and I want to know why because it has been torture on my inner fangirl. Thank you for taking time to read this.


omg, I love your books, Being Jamie Baker is my favorite series ever! I was so upset when you put the final BJB book on hiatus:( but I understand and will wait for it very patiently. I also love Cinder&Ella it was so cute I just reread it!  keep writing and one day you will be a house hold name ;)


@Queenofthenightcourt Jamie Baker Trilogy are greatttt