Hey Guys, check out @ GalaxyCatPlayz new story "The Vampire Friendship Begins Part 1" it is really good and I AM IN IT! It is so good so check it now! Bye Cookies!!
Hey Guy, you need to check out @evilnight07 new story called COPYCAT it is really good okay hope you guys had a safe and fun weekend Love you Cookies!!!
Hey Guys, I have not been on Wattpad in a while so I have not been writing my story so it is going to be a while for it to come out. Hope you guys had a great christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Love you Cookies!!
Hey Guys, I am writing a now story and I hope you guys enjoy it. I will be keeping you guys updated on the story and when it is going to come out. Be safe and fun christmas:)
Hey Guys, I need some ideas for a new story put your ideas below and I don't know if I am going to finish part 2 of "He Loved Me To Death" See you later guys gal and no-binary pals!