gnt aviso importante
Tive q postar o episódio 26 hj(n era pra ser hj)
Pq esqueci q era pra ter postado ontem, então me desculpem, amanhã eu posto o 27 e depois de amanhã o 28,entao e isso, vcs tiveram sorte q eu postei este episódio hj viu, esperam q gostem dele, flwww
(Lembrando e quarta, sexta e sábado q saiam os episódios, ta marcado e só tu vim ver)
gnt important notice I had to post episode 26 today (it wasn't supposed to be today) Because I forgot that I was supposed to post it yesterday, so I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll post the 27th and the day after tomorrow the 28th, so that's it, you guys were lucky that I posted this episode today, see, I hope you like it, flwww
(Remembering that the episodes come out on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, it's scheduled and only you came to see it)