
Thanks for the follow!


@eyeexeyeeye No need to be rude. I'm just trying to connect with other readers and writers. I'm serious about writing and I think you are making a generalization saying that, "People who trade follow for follow are not interested in your comments or your thoughts or your published materials."


Thanks so much for the follow. I have to say, your bio is almost as awesome as your dog's name. I am jealous, and I am not even a dog person. Our pet names have to go through my husband so we have a Star Wars name for our cat: Luke (It's a girl)


HAHAHAHAHA! He's definitely a die hard if he named a girl, Luke. That's the best! And thanks right back at you! 


Hey Kendra thank you so much for the follow! if you get a chance, I'd appreciate your thoughts on the first chapter of my novel  Cogrind. I just read the synopsis for Binarium. looking forward to digging in tonight. thanks again!


It's, BinariuS. ;) I'll definitely check out your work if I get the chance! This week is book launch week and so I'm pretty crammed! Thanks for checking out Episode 1. I look forward to hearing what you think!! Xx