
My apologies to everyone who's been waiting for the next bit of Reality Check. A lot has happened in the past few months - I've been laid off and moved back in with my folks here in Cleveland and am in a desperate scramble to find work. I thought that this gap in employment would free my schedule to allow for a frenzy of writing but where my schedule is free, my mind is not. In short, it's hard to focus on writing when your bank account is slooooowly inching towards the red.


Hi Kenny, Just wanted to drop in and let you know about a new club on Wattpad. Something geared a little more to the gentlemen on the site.

          The Pub is a place for readers and writers of any genre, but the idea is to help out the minority of males on the site. Whether you are a guy who likes to write, need tips on creating male characters or just want to hang around with the gents, this is the place to come. Cheers, Gav


My apologies to everyone who's been waiting for the next bit of Reality Check. A lot has happened in the past few months - I've been laid off and moved back in with my folks here in Cleveland and am in a desperate scramble to find work. I thought that this gap in employment would free my schedule to allow for a frenzy of writing but where my schedule is free, my mind is not. In short, it's hard to focus on writing when your bank account is slooooowly inching towards the red.


If I owe you a reading, expect it on Saturday. Also expect Chapter 5 to show up either Sunday or Monday. Just reminder, Reality Check is entered in the Watty Awards for the "Thriller" category. It's currently the #3 hottest book and 17th for votes. So if you enjoy Reality Check, please show your support by voting! you guys rock. <3


With Chapter Four, 'Into the Dark', Reality Check is back on the What's Hot list. :) I swear I'll write Chapter Five this weekend. If you haven't yet, check it out. Leave me comments or messages and, as always, vote for it. At least check out the artwork done by Rachelle Gertz. More phenomenal Reality Check-based eye candy is inbound.


The fourth chapter for Reality Check is finally up. I've been slacking lately due to personal crap and just... not being in that mood, ya know? Anyways, check it out, leave it love, all that good stuff. Also, my good friend Rachelle has made some fan art, so check it out on the first chapter. It's pretty amazing if I do say so myself. :)


Uploaded the third chapter of Reality Check. Kinda sucks but in my defense, the past two days have sucked for me personally and I go back to work tonight so I won't be able to start work on the fourth chapter until Saturday. Wanted something fresh to get you all through the next three days. Remember, it's in the Watty Awards for this year so please vote if you like it! <3 I'll try to get caught up on reading everyone's stuff tonight at work, promise!