
Imagine supporting Dev lmao
          Even though they're literally a proshipper and created a safe space for proshitters in general xoxo
          You're just as bad as them. As an adult you're disgusting
          You're irrelevant and you know it. Die die die 
          Im soooo tired of having to explain the same point to stupid adults over and over again! You guys are all super dense and incompetent!!!! IMMM SOOO TIRED OF BEING NICE TO DISGUSTING PEOPLE IN THIS COMMUNITY ALL OF YOU SUCK AND ARE SICK IN THE BRAIN. GET A LOBOTOMY SINCE IT'LL BE UR ONLY HOPE TOWARDS NORMALITY 
          it doesn't matter if it's fiction because if you keep on moralising it in ur head it'll always slip irl and make you commit heinous acts! HOW DO U THINK 4CHAN DEGENERATES COME ALONG LMAOO SPEND 5 MINS SCROLLING THROUGH ROBOT9001 AND YOU'LL FIND OUT THEYRE ALL EXACTLY AS WEIRD AND OUT OF TUNE AS YOU!!
          especially if incest is normalised to children. They'll be groomed into a self destructive mindset. Why won't adults prevent that??? BE DISGUSTING BUT DONT INVOLVE CHILDREN AT LEASTTT  .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.