
To respond to your question yeah, I am aware that you condense and cut down dialogue I don’t remember the specific chapter, but it was around the time where the black balls and golden dawn meet up with king Julius I think it was that chapter where you have an authors note basically saying that and, but I feel like you took my question too literal when I said, take scenes from the anime/manga one for one sure you cut down dialogue and scenes but the thing is you don’t make it interesting though like here’s an example  you introduce bell early like as soon as the black bulls meet with golden dawn Bell pops out of nowhere and ensues Bell antics and in my head, I thought “Oh cool but why?” I mean yeah you did change up a scene but that’s it. The dialogue is still the same it just has bell in it. Another example is your OC Kenos The guy is practically Jesus spit just his personality is bland. he’s basically what non-marvel fans think Captain America is. The guy doesn’t make dialogue interesting and I get that he’s basically Jesus but he’s like cardboard like cut out he’s never goofy you know he’s never teasing somebody well besides Zuka I guess but that’s another thing but I guess that’s just his personality


@Per11111 You say we’re at a stalemate, but every point you’ve given to call Kenos a bad OC has essentially failed. His apparent bland personality? That was disproven. His lack of action in canon battles? That was also disproven. You’re obviously entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but the explanations for your opinions have come up short.
            Either way, if you’re shipping out, then I will withdraw from the discussion as well. Do the country proud.


@KenosDC1 Nahhhh he basically said " You're not worth my time" ay Kenos mt personally I wouldn't get pressed like that but that's just me tho


@KenosDC1 Honestly I’m done with the discussion, it’s obvious that we’re at a stalemate and I ship out today where I won’t have my phone for the next three months, I still stand by my opinion so don’t go getting a big head, and I can see that you’ll stick with your opinion. So allow me to be the first to withdraw. And I bid you a good day (he says with flourish)