
Ok so it’s been almost a month since I last updated you all and basically my life has been crazy hectic so sorry I’ve been offline for so long but in good news I’m currently looking for a job and one place already got back to me and now I’m going to go to an orientation next Monday & see if I like it 


Ok so it’s been almost a month since I last updated you all and basically my life has been crazy hectic so sorry I’ve been offline for so long but in good news I’m currently looking for a job and one place already got back to me and now I’m going to go to an orientation next Monday & see if I like it 


Hi everyone I took the day off today because of my mental health 
          To explain quickly last October on the 14th a very beloved teacher/ father like figure to me passed a few days after my 17th birthday (on the 9th) and every month I really feel the loss of him heavily around the 14th (which is also when I found YouTubers Sam and Colby on February 14th of this year if any of you are fans of them) 
          Love you all and I’ll be back soon 


@Kenpokitty Take care of yourself, love. Stay hydrated, stay safe, and Stand Tall. <33
            ~Love, Sunset


Hi everyone just wanted to let you all know that I’m gonna try my best to post at least a chapter a week from now on but it’s might be more or less often than that depending on how much time I have. Also please write in the comments which books you want to see me write chapters of so I know which ones to focus my writing on <3
          - Kenpokitty/Liz


@Kenpokitty Sweet, sounds good, love! I'm looking forward to the "Golden" updates! <333
            ~Love, as always, Sunset


Just published first chapter of Golden because I’m finally finishing my last semester of school this week so I have time to write :)


@Kenpokitty Congrats, that's amazing! <33
            The character chapter of "Golden" is so good! I just finished voting & commenting on it! Well done on the intro, love! <333
            ~Love, Sunset