
          	Yes, a whole lot more changes! 
          	And, I think I'm at a place where this current book is in it's final stages. For now, the chapters currently published will remain current until the the majority of it is complete. Just wanting to update, thank you!


          Yes, a whole lot more changes! 
          And, I think I'm at a place where this current book is in it's final stages. For now, the chapters currently published will remain current until the the majority of it is complete. Just wanting to update, thank you!


Hello everyone! 
          Sorry the lack of publishing, edits, announcement, but after months of making behemoth changes (Yes, Behemoth size!). I'm finally confident with my progress, that I've published some of the near-edited chapters.
          Please, tell me what you think!


Hello everyone, 
          I've unpublished many of my chapters as I saw they require utter edits and improvements. Right now I'm hammering them down and once all my chapters have been drastically improved, I'll republish them. 
          Will be within this month, sorry for the inconvenience if anyone wanted to read them!


It seems like there's never an end to the editing, however please bear with me as I go over them! 
          From my amateur eyes, it seems like tenses are the most annoying bit, though I'm going over them bit by bit, little by little. Also made Chapter one have a bigger abnormal and impact, I think. So I hope y'all enjoy it if you read it!


Edited, edited, edited. 
          That last chapter I said wasn't my best? I think its a lot better now.
          I also posted two more chapters since then! 
          If you haven't saw it, go check it out! 
          And don't forget to tell me what you think.


Hey guys, 
          I finally uploaded a new chapter after 3 months!!! 
          As I promised, for each day this week I will post a new chapter, I hope to get new attention and helpful pointers. 
          This recent chapter isn’t my absolute best work, but I do hope to improve. 