
For those who are wondering, the costume in Ch. 22 is indeed Noiz from Dramatical Murder. If you don't know what that is, I'd advise looking it up. It's a yaoi otome game full of sin. ^~^
          	As always, thanks for reading!


For those who are wondering, the costume in Ch. 22 is indeed Noiz from Dramatical Murder. If you don't know what that is, I'd advise looking it up. It's a yaoi otome game full of sin. ^~^
          As always, thanks for reading!


AH! Sooo sorry for the long wait! I ended up on a huge hiatus there... wow... alright anyways I'm back! This chapter was supposed to include everything in the next chapter too but it got so long I split it in half. So, the next chapter SHOULD come soon since I've already gotten some of it written. (cross my fingers) Anyways, it's like 10:30 and I just finished typing and spell checking so this is still un beta-ed... but again it's 10:30 so deal.
          Thanks again for reading!


So I've been on hiatus for a while because I've been having serious writting block. I have the plot figured out but not the small details? And I've really been hitting a brick wall with ch. 21. However, my friend has comissioned me to write some erm...  stuff... for her fic "Band Geeks" (it's a erinxlevi fic for attack on titan on wattpad plz check it out omg you won't regret it. Her style is so perf) and since that had forced me back into the writing mood I'm hoping to update soon.
          Again, I'm really sorry and I will update as soon as possible!


So I totally have the cutest idea of what the draw for Ch. 20... yeah thats right I got an idea ^.^ The art though ooooooomyyyyygod It's gonna be great... the problem is my ipad is mysteriously broken and needs to be restarted... BUT IT WON'T LET ME! So I have to wait till it dies... which is hard because I can't run the battery down by using it either, it's completely stuck. But before any of that happens I have to finish Ch. 19... it's coming along... slowly. I'll try my best to upload by monday but if not monday I swear by Friday!!
          Thanks for your continuing support,


Hey guys! So like... chapter 20 will another bonus chapter! Ive got a few ideas but I don't really like any of them at the moment. So if you have an idea for a Bonus chapter you really want to see please reply to this message and tell me! Remember bonus chapters exist in the same AU as the fic but don't involve the story line sorta like OVAs in anime!


this message may be offensive
woah look at me, being all productive and shit. yeah thats right I drew some fan art for the latest chapter and I already started writting the next chapter. (the crowd applauses) So anyway if you were wondering just what was making Sonny so embarrassed when Joel said he would carry him into the building, go see just what he was imagining! Uploaded to my tumblr page @owslathecreation
          Thanks for reading!


Hey guys! Sorry for the dead silence for so long. I’ve been sick, one of my family members died, and now its finals week so it has been REALLY HECTIC over here. That said, I posted some fan art for the most recent chapter on my tumblr page! If you haven't seen it already, make sure to check it out and follow me @owslathecreation I post the fic, (of course) origonal fan art, and other random cool stuff related to the fic! Don't forget you can ask me all sorts of questions in the tumblr ask box too! 
           As for updates, chapter 18 should be published by the end of the week so WHOO!
          Thanks for reading!


Hey guys! Sorry that it took so long to update. I was feeling a little 'under the weather' for a few days. Yes I was throwing up BUT I WAS NOT SICK!!! I was not! And then there was Halloween and yeah this was long over due. So anyway here it is... um... it's also short compared to the others also (I'M SO SORRY!) But yeah... I'll try to update sooner this time since I actually cut off part of the end of this chapter because it make more sense in the next one so actually part of the next update is already done lol... ummm so yeah! Stay tuned!
          Write on!


hey guys! so I'm sorry I haven't updated. It's been really hard because I've rewritten Joel in a lot earlier in the story than he was. origonally. Soooo while I wait to get some inspiration to deal with that mess, I'm going to have a flashback chapter instead. Featuring our favorite short hero, Sonny, some stage lights, and an annoyed Natasha.
          :) This is gonna be fun.


hey! I just posted the new chapter. i spent all day working on it! i tried to make this chapter longer because origonally it was really short... and then it got 1,000 words over my target area!!! So it's much longer. it's also un edited because I just dont have the energy right now. also. for the chase stuff, I'll post a pic in the media option later so no one gets confused
          Now if you excuse me I need to go pass out after two long days of writting and typing. i dont think I can even think about this fic right now!
          hope you enjoy!