Kenyon is the author of the young adult fantasy series, Chronicles of Stephen. Ever the story-teller, Kenyon decided to embark on a long awaited journey when he published the first novel, Choice of the Mighty, in March 2017 (presently a free e-book). Almost exactly  a year later, Trials of the Mighty was released in March 2018. Book 3 in the series, Redemption of the Mighty, will round out the origin story of Stephen when it is released later this year. 

Since the release of book 1, Kenyon has kept writing, creating, and learning more about the craft. His favorite part, however, is meeting those that read and enjoy the world that he has build centered around one of history's greatest kings and his warriors, King David.

Always searching for answers, Kenyon continues to ask questions to drive himself forward and propel the story and world of the Mighty to new heights. The question that keeps him creating more than any other is, "What if..?"
  • Rossville, GA
  • انضمApril 5, 2018
