
okay so my posting schedule maybe off due to ideas and stuff because not all my writing comes easy so i think im going to write a bunch of chapters per story and then each week i will post a chapter or 2 maybe 3 if u guys feel like reading more every week!! let me know


okay so my posting schedule maybe off due to ideas and stuff because not all my writing comes easy so i think im going to write a bunch of chapters per story and then each week i will post a chapter or 2 maybe 3 if u guys feel like reading more every week!! let me know


hey guys.. im sorry i havent updated for a long time. i had really bad phone problems for a really long time and recently, this summer my aunt passed away so that was pretty hard it still is but ive been managing well. but anyways im back and i just posted new chapters to both Silent Screams and Love Me Like You Do!! go check them out and tell me how they are!! also m looking for baby names... both boy and girl so let me know in the comments in Love Me Like You Do or let me know in my inbox!!! i also want your guys feedback as readers about the books, things you like or things you guys think need improvement! thank you all. love you guys!