
hey guys, I have a problem, so recently I made a new series named "Classroom of the elite: AI GENERATED" Which Basically just an COTE Story but Made by AI
          	The problem Is, it's Suck... The story is too short, there almost no dialogue, it's not even realistic and it's too formal, there literally 0 Funny joke in it, even if there is, it's not even funny, the only good things is that, at least the ai know how to make a good title and have the right personality of the character
          	And I'm quite new to this kind of stuff, so basically, if you guys have an advice on how to generated better story by using AI, let me know, that would help out a lot.


@KenzoTakashi45510 There are better ways to use an AI to create stories and make it look like it's actually written by a person.


hey guys, I have a problem, so recently I made a new series named "Classroom of the elite: AI GENERATED" Which Basically just an COTE Story but Made by AI
          The problem Is, it's Suck... The story is too short, there almost no dialogue, it's not even realistic and it's too formal, there literally 0 Funny joke in it, even if there is, it's not even funny, the only good things is that, at least the ai know how to make a good title and have the right personality of the character
          And I'm quite new to this kind of stuff, so basically, if you guys have an advice on how to generated better story by using AI, let me know, that would help out a lot.


@KenzoTakashi45510 There are better ways to use an AI to create stories and make it look like it's actually written by a person.


Wednesday,9 august,2023,23:00:
          Hey, I finally come back, again and again, and I finally make an couple more other social media account (some of you already know I used to only have YouTube and Wattpad as social media) And For Now It's only YouTube And Instagram, For YouTube, it's been a long time that I Have it but don't really decide to share it...
          And yeah.... I show my real face,age,nationality, in there, and man, I'm very underaged and already write... You know....couple of 18+ Stuff, I probably gonna get in trouble but, hey, I deal with it
          And if you wanna ask me why I decide to reveal it, Some of these are personal but there some things I can reveal, like I can't talk with my friend about things I do because I try to hide it,get more people read my stuff,gain more popularity (I'm scared of death but Atleast I try to make  people remember me), try to get some business offer and some more
          And if you wanna see it, check out my Account description,
          And for the story, I don't really watch any tv show,anime or story anymore, I don't know if I'm gonna write something, I have zero inspiration or idea, and it's not even a lie but I will try to make something or even make something original for myself
          Anyways, that it for now, bye


Hello. Love reading your DAL oneshots btw. Can you make a Natsumi Route, Mukuro Route one day?


Why not just make in AO3 or if you want.


@BrylleAndrewJualo Thank Bro, I Try, But For Now I Don't Really Used Wattpad Anymore Because The Community Is Kinda Dead, So Don't Get Yourself Hurt By Hoping Too Much, I May Make One For Both In The Future, So Stay Tune


Tuesday, July 21, 2023, 20:22:
          Just Make 7 Up-coming Date A Live Fanfic Story In 1 Day, Sh*t Was Tiring, And I Also Make 1 Chapter Of Kurumi Route, and it's been a long time that I actually miss and feel sad from my own story while feel excited to write that I even writing it without stop until the end
          For now, I may not gonna be very active in Wattpad, I'm honestly didn't know what should I read anymore, there not really many fanfic that I could read anymore, but, I will try and keep Writing
          But for now..... 


FINALLY! School Day fanfic Is Done And Has Enter "The Kenzo Takahashi" Universe
          I Know I Just Said That My Last Fanfic Is My Worst Fanfic Ever
          But This Time, This Is Maybe One Of The Best One! For Me Atleast
          Took Me A Week Just To Finished It, I Literally Got No Idea How To Make The Story
          I Suggest You To Read It
          Don't Worry, There No NTR Or Sad Story
          Unlike The Canon One
          And Also The Chapter 2 On Progress, Unlike Other Fanfic, So Wait For It
          But For Now I'm Gonna Take A Rest Now, Finally
          (My Head Is About Blow Up)
          Fun Fact:
          I Literally Currently Writing This And Finishing School Day While Waiting For My Barber


Help..... I Really Can't Find An Idea For "School Days: Two Lovers Route"
          This Is My Last Fanfic That I'm Gonna Make For This Month, But I'm Still Stuck, I Can't Even Get Into The Middle Part
          This Fanfic Is Just Supposed To Be Like My Other Fanfic, School Slice Of Life Genre, But I Still Can't Find Any Idea
          I Really Gonna Lose My Mind Over This....


!!!Spoiler Alert!!!
          My Option On School Days:
          People Say It's Bad, But It's Probably Because It's Just Not What People Want, It's Has A Different Story Than Other And A Very Realistic And Memorable Story But It's Just Not Fun To Watch Or Rewatchable
          People Watch Anime For "Fun" But This Anime Just Focused The Entire Of It's Anime To Just Show The Bad Side Of Relationship, And Only Use Sex Scene As A Fun Part Of The Anime And That Why People Hate It Cause That Not What They Looking For
          The Personality Changing And The End Story Is Really Good For Me Personally, And How Some Decision Can Really Destroy Someone Life Change Their Whole Personality Into A Piece Of Sh*t
          But For Now, I Can Say That This Is Good Or Bad, But I Like It Indeed, This Is Probably The Most Realistic And Memorable Anime I Ever Seen, There No Way I Will Forget This Anime Story
          For Now, My Score Is 6.5/10 


I Just FINALLY Finishing "Yosuga No Sora: After Story" And It's Finally Enter "The Kenzo Takahashi" Universe
          I Literally Have ZERO IDEA About How To Write It, This Story Suppose To Be Publish A Week Ago But I Can't Even Able To Write The Beginning
          I May Start Losing My Ability To Write A Story, But Also The Anime That Focus More In Sora Is Only 3 Episode So I Don't Really Get That Many Idea
          This Maybe Bad To Say But, This Is Probably My Worst Story And Writing Experience, I Don't Know If I Wanna Keep Doing This
          But Don't Worry, I'm Still Gonna Write, For Next Story, I'm Gonna Write "School Days: Two Lover Route" And Yes, It's A Harem Story 
          Also, Did Anyone Notice "The Detective Already Death" Reference? I Give You A Like If You Found It.


Just Watch "School Days" Anime, Truly Broke My Heart On The "NTR" Part, F*cking Hell, I'm Just Trying To Watch An Anime Like "Yosuga No Sora" And This Come Out, I Watch It And I Regret It, I Don't Know If I'm Gonna Make A Fanfic Out Of It, I Don't Think My Heart Is Strong Enough For This, F*ck!


I see, I also watched these kind of stuff, but eventually, I felt void, so I left watching anime, hope you won't turn out like me. 


@Agrim106 Nah This Thing Gonna Haunt Me Until The Days I Die Bro, But I Still Need To Make A Fanfic Out Of This, Every Anime That I Watch, I Need To Make A Fanfic Out Of It


Try something funny to fix your heart ig 