Thank you for fanning and for taking the time to read my work, also for adding it to your library. I feel really honoured.
I really like your work too, you've got a beautiful way with words. X
@NocteLamia101 Wow im so so so glad you like this stuff. And of course I will read your stuff, be looking out for comments :) I'm so happy people like my writing
@GeorgeLivermore I would love to :)
Hey I just thought that I'd write on your wall to tell you how much I love your work. I commented on your every poem and your one story. You really have a gift and I really can't wait to read more. I fanned you to prove my point and I think you deserve a tones more.
It would be an honor for me if you'd come check out my stuff too. I really would love to know what you think about it...