
          	DNYL is going to be COMPLETELY REDONE. New story, similar plot, similar characters. I HATE the way I wrote it and I’m going to start it over in a new story- BUT! I’m not deleting this one until I’m fully caught up to where the last update was. I don’t know when I’ll have time to start it, but you should be on the lookout for next month, probably!!!


          DNYL is going to be COMPLETELY REDONE. New story, similar plot, similar characters. I HATE the way I wrote it and I’m going to start it over in a new story- BUT! I’m not deleting this one until I’m fully caught up to where the last update was. I don’t know when I’ll have time to start it, but you should be on the lookout for next month, probably!!!


When is you're next update?


@iamruthpineda I’m really not sure, I’m trying to catch up on schoolwork right now. It should probably be written in a couple weeks.


So I know I was supposed to update DNYL, but I had a phenomenal idea for it and now I need another week to revise the older chapters and solidify the new plan. I know I’ve been silent for a long time, but I’m also getting plans ready for a new story. Its a 7dream fic called Children of the Sun and its first chapter will be up in a couple weeks. Keep an eye out for it.