
          	      ! (ᵃᵃᵃʰʰʰ)
          	I just want to take the time to thank everyone thank everyone for the sweet messages, the screams of excitement, the well wishes and the -s!
          	This has been such a long time coming, and honestly I'm just so happy that I can finally bring my story to bookshelves, e-readers and kindles everywhere (this is what Father Christmas  and Halloween Pumpkins  must feel like). 
          	I can't wait for you to meet my characters, explore the Academy and hopefully have some new fictional crushes to obsess over 
          	I am planning so much for my little story - merch, giveaways, art, and so much more and I can't wait to welcome you all to the Slayer Traits Family⚔️
          	The story had changed so much from the 2009 exam pad paper scribbles in every single class in Woodlands International College, and it has evolved into something powerful. I can't wait for my readers to suffer  er, I mean , fall in love with my series ❤️
          	I'm just so, so beyond grateful and thankful and blessed and I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me, joining me, and going forward with me from here on out❤️‍♀️
          	The Academy gates will open soon 
          	To keep up with the progress, BTS and any news please follow me on Instagram (@keravg) or follow  #TheSlayerTraitsSeries #SlayerTraitsFirstYear 


Hey @KeraVG how are you I really loved your vampire knight book. I was wondering if you were still planning on writing the sequel mentioned in the last chapter 


@KeraVG yes please I’d definitely love to read it 


@canderloro Hi! Thank you so much for your interest! I can't believe people are still reading it after so many years! If you're still interested, I can post what I have so far and see of it attracts any attention. It's been awhile and I've moved on to pursue my own creative projects but Vampire Knight will always have a piece of my heart! 


                ! (ᵃᵃᵃʰʰʰ)
          I just want to take the time to thank everyone thank everyone for the sweet messages, the screams of excitement, the well wishes and the -s!
          This has been such a long time coming, and honestly I'm just so happy that I can finally bring my story to bookshelves, e-readers and kindles everywhere (this is what Father Christmas  and Halloween Pumpkins  must feel like). 
          I can't wait for you to meet my characters, explore the Academy and hopefully have some new fictional crushes to obsess over 
          I am planning so much for my little story - merch, giveaways, art, and so much more and I can't wait to welcome you all to the Slayer Traits Family⚔️
          The story had changed so much from the 2009 exam pad paper scribbles in every single class in Woodlands International College, and it has evolved into something powerful. I can't wait for my readers to suffer  er, I mean , fall in love with my series ❤️
          I'm just so, so beyond grateful and thankful and blessed and I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me, joining me, and going forward with me from here on out❤️‍♀️
          The Academy gates will open soon 
          To keep up with the progress, BTS and any news please follow me on Instagram (@keravg) or follow  #TheSlayerTraitsSeries #SlayerTraitsFirstYear 


Thank you so much for 1K Reads on my Vampire Knight Fanfiction! I'm so glad that there are readers still enjoying my old 2011 fanfiction! I've just finished uploading the final part, and I hope you enjoy it! Now, if you will excuse me...I have some major editing to do for my original novel and I am TERRIFIED.


Hello, hello! Happy Sunday!
          So, I've made the decision to leave SLAYER TRAITS FIRST YEAR up for a little longer so that my followers still have a chance to read my novel! 
          For all of those who have voted, commented, and added it to your TBR list, I can't find the words to thank you! I'm speechless at the risk you take wanting to read my story, and I am beyond grateful! I hope you like First Year and the story that will follow! 
          If you feel so encouraged, please consider leaving some feedback so that I may improve my story and my writing. Share the story if you think someone else might like it, and tell me if you have a favourite character (no promises that they will be safe).
          Again, I can't thank you enough for all your love and support for my book! I promise that there are so much more coming! 
          Please take care of yourself, and stay safe!
          - Kera ☽


My parents' 30th wedding anniversary is coming up, and to celebrate I'm uploading SLAYER TRAITS FIRST YEAR in its entirety, but just for ONE WEEK. 
          So, from the 14th -to the 21st of March, you can read all of SLAYER TRAITS FIRST YEAR only on Wattpad! This is the last step before I take First Year out into the whole wide world, and of course, there will be so much more coming!
          So, make sure you follow SLAYER TRAITS FIRST YEAR, add it to your library and prepare yourself to enter First Year. Any comments, reads, votes, critiques you have will be super heplful, and I am so excited to share my story with you even if its for just a little while!
          I'll see you soon, First Years!
          - Kera


The Prologue and Chapter One of my new story     is now available to read! It's quite a ᵐᵃᵗᵘʳᵉ story and me experimenting with romance/erotica (ʷᵃᵗᶜʰ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵉ.ˡ ʲᵃᵐᵉˢ) and I really hope you guys like it!
          A small village is celebrating their season Fete - a festival to welcome the new season with well wishes and blessings. Lialei loves her village and does whatever she can she help especially during the Fete as it's her favourite time of year. 
          Until she finds the body of a child ripped to pieces. 
          The Fete is different this season...there is something lurking in the dark and feeding on the women and children, slaughtering the men trying to protect their families and soon the thriving village is reduced to almost nothing. Desperate, the villagers go to Lialei's mother - a reclusive Witch - who was the only one to know the nature of these Demons and they ask for help. The Witch gives the village two options, both have deadly consequences... 
          Option 1: Abandon their home, but this will not stop the Monsters from feasting on their blood and hunting their children.
          Option 2: Give up their humanity to become Demons themselves, changing every night and giving themselves over to the Wolf every full moon. 
          The solution seems obvious, and the Witch brings in a small Pack of Werewolves to help the Villagers with their war while the Witch offers safety to the little group of women and children left over. Lialei wants to help keep her village safe, but knowing that she is a main target makes it difficult to try and help her home.
          Fear is keeping her hostage, Demons are caging her in, and the attractive stranger Luka Serigala is tempting her in a whole new way...


          This is not a drill! Repeat, this is not a drill.
          I hope you’re all staying safe during this world-wide pandemic. It can be pretty scary, especially considering that no one really knows what to do when plagued with a…plague.
          I’ve looked around the interwebs and included some links below just to help you out and answer any questions you may have regarding COVID-19, the Lockdown and anything else concerning the virus. Please, take precaution, be kind, stay safe and help out where you can! 
          *Corona Virus Overview as provided by the World Health Organization: 
          *Advice For The Public: 
          *Q & A concerning COVID-19: 

           *South Africa & Lockdown:

          *Lockdown Recommendations & Guidelines:

          *Stats & Updates:

          *Testing for COVID-19: 
          Lancet Testing Grounds (self-funded from R1,200):
          For Government Testing Contact 0800029999
          P.S.A: I am by no means a medical professional, these are just sources I have found and read through in regards to COVID-19. If you believe you are infected, please have yourself tested via one of the links above. Please look after yourself. K, Thanks, bye.
           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 


          I hope you're all doing super well and living your best lives. I finally have internet access again and all my technical difficulties have been resolved and will hopefully stay that way forever.
          I've created another reading list of stories I would love to reviews as soon as I can, and I'm working on a schedule for my own stories and updates for Slayer Traits. Please understand that I might not be as active because I work two jobs, study and do some creative things in between but I promise that I will get to you.
          As of right now, I have no updates because honestly Writers Block is a mother-effing bitch and I hate every single one of my characters at the moment. But I promise, you will have an update soon.
          For now, I hope you have a beautiful night (It's night here), day or afternoon and I'll see you all very, very soon.
          Peace and love,
          Kera :)


Hello, Jellybeans. 
          So I know I haven't been as active on Wattpad since the start of the we year. But 2018 has been rough writing, laptop and Internet wise. Currently I have stolen another's internet access for .2 seconds to say that I will hopefully be back soon, and back on schedule. 
          Sorry for any delays. I will get back to you all soon, and post updates soon and some new stories.  
          Thank you so much for your patience, beans. I hope you have a lovely time-zone.