
I'm back! I know it has been MONTHS and I am terribly sorry for the long wait! There have been a lot of personal changes in my life but things are settling down and I am hoping to get back into my writing again. Please enjoy an update on Making it to three - Chapter 17 is now available. Don't forget to vote and comment!


Hi Keri8794, I am an acquisition editor of Letterlux. I would love to invite you to join our Top Authors Program with many attractive bonuses. If you’re interested, please contact me via email Thank you and have a nice day!


          I just finished the "Love theory " book. I skipped work today and binge read it. I really enjoyed it . The pain part and the way they opened to each other I really liked it. The most beautiful part is they share their past and are open to each other.  I really enjoyed reading the book.


@Ramyasri1189 thank you for reading it. So glad you enjoyed it


          I want to first say SORRY to all of you and for those who have been eagerly awaiting updates. I'm so sorry for falling behind and for basically disappearing from Wattpad the last 2 months but it's for a reason. I have a major life update! 
           I am actually in the process of moving to a new country and it's been a mad rush of trying to sell and cancel things here and close off work before I leave. I just haven't had the energy or been in the right frame of mind to write. I'm hoping as things are getting sorted that in the next 2 weeks I'm able to update again. I hope you can be patient with me until then
          Again, I am so sorry but I hope you understand how chaotic the process is and as someone who has never traveled... it's even more nerve-wracking so my focus has been a bit one sided. 
          So please be patient with me. 


Oh that’s exciting! It’s okay. I’m patiently waiting for when you’ll be able to update again


SURPRISE UPDATE!! I know that Chapter 12 of Making it three was scheduled to be updated next week but... I really wanted to submit this to the Watty's so you get an early update!! Both Planning on Forever and Making it to three have been entered into the Watty's this year. I'd love your continued support on these stories. Please take a read, comment and vote. 
          Enjoy the bonus chapter!


SURPRISE!! Another update for Making it to three is up! Go check out Chapter 9
          Now that Wattpad has added the new scheduled publish feature, it'll make it easier for me to stick to a schedule and for all of you to have more frequent updates. Keep a look out at the end of every chapter for the date and time of when the next update will be. 
          Chapter 10 will be published on July 22nd at 7:00AM GMT+2 time. Keep a look out. In the meantime, I'd love to know what you all think of Chapter 9. And remember to vote, comment and share the story.