
@Voyageavecmoi I only went to Kuala Lumpur, I also enjoyed the food there and the tourist spots especially the KL Tower and Petronas Towers. Maybe when I come back to Malaysia I'll go to Penang :)


@Voyageavecmoi i have traveled to Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, and some local tourist spots here in the Philippines like Boracay and Palawan. I hope to travel in the future to Japan, South Korea, USA, Australia, and Europe when I can afford it. :D


That's quite a great list. I quite enjoyed Malaysia when I visited a couple years ago. Penang was my favourite, mainly because I loved eating there and it was beautiful. 
            I hope you get to visit those places, there always seems to be a way to make it more affordable. I usually try to work when I go for longer trips to help with the costs.