
@lorby1000  My first movie crush was Jake Ryan (actor Michael Schoeffling) in the movie Sixteen Candles, when I was 11. If Andre had lusted after someone from Boogie Nights or Titanic, for example, it would be set in 2012. However, nobody in those movies were as hot as the actors in Greek warrior-themed movies.  *grin*


Thank you so much for adding my (crappy) story to you're reading list. I'm not sure if i can recover it... sorry if you were a big fan, though i doubt it lol. But I've just posted something new if you'd like to check it out. Right now it's just a one shot, but if people get interested in it,  i might delve in deeper to the story. ;) 
          Thank you for being AWESOME! 


              I got your message via my gmail. I can't text anymore at all for a longgggggg time(probably). It would be better if you emailed me cause' I want to know how you've been. So my gmail is Hope to hear from you soon.


Hello there, I remembered that you commented and read my first boyxboy story, It Take's Two.
          Just letting you know that I've started another boyxboy story in hopes to make this one better and to keep it a boyxboy story haha. It's called Hush My Baby. 


Just a quick line to say hey and a personal apology to my readers who supported me who has started  reading the story "Son of Ardroth". I tried writing two books at once but failed epically. : (   I have since finished my last book and I am returning my focus to this one. I hope to see your return as I pick up and try to regain the momentum of this book. Your time is appreciated. Thanks again.     


Hello fellow reader :) I would like to ask you if you have any manxman (not boyxboy) story to recommend. I want to read something more mature. It's not that I don't like bxb stories. It's just that I missed the more mature stories with people over 20 :) 
          If you have anything to recommend, I would really appreciate it :) 


@lorby1000  My first movie crush was Jake Ryan (actor Michael Schoeffling) in the movie Sixteen Candles, when I was 11. If Andre had lusted after someone from Boogie Nights or Titanic, for example, it would be set in 2012. However, nobody in those movies were as hot as the actors in Greek warrior-themed movies.  *grin*


@lorby1000   For some reason I thought I'd already fanned you, but I realized I hadn't. Fortunately the Wattpad Android app gives me story alerts so I knew you'd updated "My Sister's Husband".
          Speaking of which, did you intend for your story to be set in the year 2019?  *grin*  He watched the movie Troy when he was 14 and that helped him to realize he was gay. Since the movie was released in 2004 and he is now 29, that would mean the story takes place in 2019 at the earliest. Just a story detail that made me think    :-)
          Great job on the last chapter. I'm not one who would hit someone, but thinking about punching my ex-bf did bring a smile to my face.  :-P