
Hello sister dearest,
          	    The weather here is inclement at times and it reminds me of that splendid saying that grandmumum used to impart to us when she was recalling tales of her adolescence:
          	"Sometimes life will kick the everlasting s#!t out of you and then post pictures of your mangled corpse on Instagram."
          	The saying didn't make sense till recently when I found myself on the flashbulb end of a sound beating that was being documented by Hades himself. Or perhaps I just didn't sleep well and I hate life. Who's to say? Certainly not grandmumum. No one's heard from her since that white water rafting trip down the Amazon. Two day delivery my ass. She still hasn't arrived! I called customer service and they were wildly unhelpful.
          	Anyways - the point of this pointless note is to say that I miss you and think of you often, wishing I had even the briefest of moments to say hello to your kind self. Alas, I shall have to wait in blind hopes of seeing a day when there is a dawn that doesn't bring a mountain of work for me to suffocate under while frantically screaming at my dancers to emphasize that music more clearly.
          	But I digress. I swear I wrote an outline for this note but have been deviating from it ever since the second sentence. So, to close it all up I'll just share a fun anecdote:
          	Yesterday I went to the bar with Winnie-The-Pooh (for a quick drink before morning rehearsal). As we sat there, talking of the difficulties of life, a heffalump walked in and gave him a dirty loop. Pooh downed the rest of his beer in one gulp, smashed the bottle on the bar to create a shiv type thing, and charged the heffalump (who's name was Jerry). The heffalump (who's name was Jerry - wait, I already told you that) grabs a pool cue and charges right back, gladiator style. They pile onto each other and are slashing right and left, purple heffalump blood is flying everywhere. It was absolute madness.
          	Anyways. I hope you're well. Send bail money for Pooh when you can.


Mr. Write is back on. 


@joymoment My gosh you two are UPROARIOUSLY funny. Thank you for allowing me to eavesdrop. Laughter is the best.. well, everything!


@joymoment Excellente. It’s been too long since the world had a healthy dose of Tristan. He is the hope for our future. And our future looks.... bright. Like a horizon that’s lit up by a nuclear explosion.


You guys are cute


I disagree.
            They are the most hilarious people and have the most wonderful brother-sister relationship imaginable, only surpassed by the true Elliot and Tristan. 
            I am wondering how many siblings you have though, @joymoment


@lemmeseee Haha thanks! ❤️ 


Dearest Tristan,
          Have we lost our wit? Our skill with a good sally? Have we lost what we once had? Is it buried beneath the truth of what we’ve discovered? Will we ever find it? 
          Or are you just a butt and you didn’t want to reply to my last post on your wall? 
          Your superior sister,


@joymoment Sister dearest,
               I'm with you - I lose track of the thread of our conversation before we even finish. Sometimes before we begin. Most often in the third quarter, especially if the cheerleaders haven't come out.
            With that in mind I'm going to completely change subjects from..... whatever we were discussing to tell you a story. Keep in mind all the characters in this story (besides the main ones) are completely real:
            Last week I'm sitting at a street side bar that only serves fruit roll ups (they cost $15 a pop but hey, it's trendy) and this Panda walks up. He orders five and eats them quickly. He's handed his bill, ignores it, instead pulls out a gun and shoots the waiter. He begins to stroll out when one of the other customers says "hey!! what's going on???" The Panda gives him a nonchalant grin and says "I'm a Panda, look it up in the dictionary."
            I google Panda on wikipedia and it reads "large black and white bear, eats shoots and leaves."
            Always, I now work for the Panda mafia here in San Diego and it's going well. I have to kill someone in Boston next month so I'll try to swing by.
            Until then I remain, as always, mildly disinterested in all things.


@Kevin_Is_Tristan My dearest, strangest Tristan, 
            Since I didn't take time to reread what I wrote I'm going to same I'm the brilliant one and you don't understand my genius. 
            I would apologize for my dismissive attitude towards your message on my wall, but as a super famous, well renowned author I feel I have enough ego to say 'eh' and move on. 
            I think referring to mimes in equality to the red light district is a but far reaching, they wear far to much clothing for that. In all other aspects, I agree. 
            I don't know what we were talking about because we so rarely talk about anything worth talking about that the moment we're done talking about it it is forgotten.
            Sincerely your memory challenged sister,


My dear and superior sister,
                I’d like to choose the former option (though I barely understood it. And I’m a genius. Perhaps that says more about your writing than my intelligence? Also, I’ve been writing within parenthesis for what feels like several years so let’s move onto the next paragraph).
            I did not notice your last post on my wall. I would offer my sincerest apologies but I feel like they are unnecessary given this message I received from you some months past (and I quote):
            “Dearest Tristan,
                I saw that you responded to a message of mine but since it’s too far back on my wall I can’t find it and when I say I can’t find it I mean I’m too lazy to go find it.”
            So. This is the part of the soliloquy where the protagonist traditionally drops a microphone. It should be noted that there is rarely an actual microphone and what usually happens is they mime dropping a mic. Abhorrent. Mimes are the whores of the movement world and their craft is the equivalent of a back alley transaction in the red light district.
            What were we talking about?


Dearest Tristan,
          I saw that you responded to a message of mine but since it’s so far back on my wall (cause everyone clearly loves me and sings my praises) I can’t find it and when I say I can’t find it I mean I’m too lazy to go find to. 
          So I pray you tell me what wisdom you imparted to me in a reply to this.
          Your conceited and humble sister,


Hello sister dearest,
              The weather here is inclement at times and it reminds me of that splendid saying that grandmumum used to impart to us when she was recalling tales of her adolescence:
          "Sometimes life will kick the everlasting s#!t out of you and then post pictures of your mangled corpse on Instagram."
          The saying didn't make sense till recently when I found myself on the flashbulb end of a sound beating that was being documented by Hades himself. Or perhaps I just didn't sleep well and I hate life. Who's to say? Certainly not grandmumum. No one's heard from her since that white water rafting trip down the Amazon. Two day delivery my ass. She still hasn't arrived! I called customer service and they were wildly unhelpful.
          Anyways - the point of this pointless note is to say that I miss you and think of you often, wishing I had even the briefest of moments to say hello to your kind self. Alas, I shall have to wait in blind hopes of seeing a day when there is a dawn that doesn't bring a mountain of work for me to suffocate under while frantically screaming at my dancers to emphasize that music more clearly.
          But I digress. I swear I wrote an outline for this note but have been deviating from it ever since the second sentence. So, to close it all up I'll just share a fun anecdote:
          Yesterday I went to the bar with Winnie-The-Pooh (for a quick drink before morning rehearsal). As we sat there, talking of the difficulties of life, a heffalump walked in and gave him a dirty loop. Pooh downed the rest of his beer in one gulp, smashed the bottle on the bar to create a shiv type thing, and charged the heffalump (who's name was Jerry). The heffalump (who's name was Jerry - wait, I already told you that) grabs a pool cue and charges right back, gladiator style. They pile onto each other and are slashing right and left, purple heffalump blood is flying everywhere. It was absolute madness.
          Anyways. I hope you're well. Send bail money for Pooh when you can.


Dear Tristan,
          I’m sure the devil just let you go because look at your humid hair was too much to deal with, so agree to tag him makes you a chump, but what else is new. 
          You talked to madre so tell me when we get to experience the magic of a telephone call. 
          But not FaceTime, I love you but our relationship would be ruined if I saw how bad your hair was. My love only goes so far. 
          I’m suuuuppppeeer busy with Deco so you know you’ll have to talk to my assistant Kelly to schedule a time to talk. Or my assassin, which ever is easier to get a hold of. 
          Talk to you soon! Or not, whatever the winds may decide!
          Your super important sister,


@Kevin_Is_Tristan What?! Sarcasm is the first thing to go! Who knew! 
            If you didn’t know, that was sarcasm in case you’re still sleep deprived. 
            Okay, I’ll just sit by the phone waiting because I’m a woman in the fifties with no life of my own. 
            Mostly like be dead by the time you call cause I won’t have eaten but you know, worth it! 
            As always your cooler sister,
            P. S. Have you seen the new season of Brooklynn 99 cause that’s all I could think of with your closing 


@joymoment Wait - Kelly is YOUR secretary?!? Is she two-timing me?!?! How dare she take a job on the side when I pay her a salary that she can very comfortably live off of (provided it's in a village in South America).
            So weird that you're super busy with DECO - that's totally what I'm dealing with too. I feel like you might be making fun of me but I haven't had a proper night of sleep in about two months so I can't tell anymore. Did you know that the ability to discern sarcasm is one of the first things you lose when you're suffering from a bullet to the brain? Very interesting...
            Let's play the phone call by ear. I'd love to just spontaneously pick up the phone and call when I have a spare moment but I'm fairly certain no one has a phone turned on anymore so that wouldn't work. But I'm assuming if I text you you'll get it at some point...?  Anyways - if you're alright keeping it loosey-goosey then this'll work out dandy. Probably mid week next week will be good (usually by Wednesday I'm so tired that nothing matters anymore and I'll call you hallucinating which is always a good time).
            I am, as always,
            Your insane(ly) artistic brother,
            Nope - that sounds wrong.
            My name is Trisha.
            Nailed it.


Dear Loser,
          Yeah that’s all I got. Reply so I know you’re not dead.
          And if you’re dead well...
          You had it coming.
          You only had yourself to blame 
          If I had been there 
          If I had seen it 
          I probably would have done the same 
          Your musical inclined sister,


@joymoment Dearest Elliot,
                I would love to chat. So much to catch up on. I'm back in Miami and dealing with the humidity like a champ. I went to hell briefly when that assassin stomped me to death but it turns out the devil is a big fan and made a deal where I can come back so long as I tag him in a few posts. He's recently gotten into social media in a BIG WAY and he is super hooked. 
            I always assumed he'd invented the platform himself but it turns out that was Loki. Apparently he thought it would be hilarious for people to post inane things about themselves and then he set up all these dummy accounts to respond so people would think they had importance or something. He's planning a big reveal when his TV show comes out and it should devastate every tween in existence. I look forward to it.
            Turns out the humidity here isn't too bad once you compare it to humidity with sulfur in the air. That stuff will really wreck your roots.
            So, I'd love to chat about life and hairstyles. I started Deco this week and will be settled in nicely by Monday. Plus, I feel like I should call Madre first since I've neglected all communication for the last few weeks. But you're next.
            All my best,


@Kevin_Is_Tristan Let me know if you can ever chat, I know you’re heading into Deco so it will be intense but I want to hear the grating sound of you voice, you know how I miss it 


@joymoment  I miss you to boo. Feel like we need a catchup, but there's no time in my crazy busy January, so this shall have to do for now.
            Hope you're kicking butt at writing at usually. Miss you :)


Dear Tristan,
          Hector and I are engaged! You really know how to pick them! And when I say ‘them’ I mean assassins that are all looks and no stealth. I literally caught him on the stairs. 
          Though not really his fault, I have terrible insomnia and those stairs make more noise then a rhino in a china store. 
          I hope you can make it to the wedding! I’m planning for the marriage to last a total of two months. Two months which I spend in Paris on our honeymoon and in the end we will realize it never could have worked cause he was trying to poison me and I was only using him to get Story content. Still it will be a wild ride! 
          Love from your emotionally damaged sister,


@Kevin_Is_Tristan Wow poor Hector. Maybe that’s why I was drawn to him, he’s so outwardly damaged that it balances my inward damage. 


@joymoment Dearest damaged sister,
                Beware of Hector. I know him well. When we spoke several months ago he mentioned he had found a mark to seduce for a two month span, just long enough for him to file taxes as married for the benefits. This confused me since Hector is living on welfare. But then he always was as dumb as a box of rocks that had been born with mental deficiencies, then hit over the head repeatedly with a shovel, cartoon style, where every other hit makes him remember things and the other hits addle his brain. So, yea, he stupid.
            But congrats! So happy for you!!