
I am going to delete this account shortly. I have a few reasons for doing this but the biggest is that I am getting stuck in with a new genre and don't want the two to get mixed up. 
          	Sorry guys!
          	Scarlet xxx


Hey everyone! I have run out of books to read and have decided it's about time I do a following spree. If you've written a book you want me to read then either PM me or reply to this post. 
          Sorry I didn't think of this sooner, it took a long time to break down my reading list. 
          Scarlet xxx


Hey guys! 
          So I have a new Twitter account now! Yay! You guys can follow me @enchantenchant to get updates for my current book and all the news asap. 
          As I am nearly at Chapter 10 on EE O have told you guys that I will be doing a character Q and A. It would be awesome if you'd ask questions on Twitter with the #AskScarlet. The link to my Twitter account is on my profile page. Just click the little world emoji . 
          Thank you guys for all your support and tweet me some stuff! 
          Scarlet xxx