2022-2023 Productions and projects
Sonic Emeralds (A Sonic Series made to celebrate everything sonic)
Swingscythe (a forgotten sidekick who decided to go a little, dark......)
Doul-blade (a hero in an apocalyptic world who has to save the someone who can change the world back to normal)
Super Keyon (A superhero who reminds you of Superman and Shazam, but he's not here to be a copycat he's here to become a hero that everyone shall remember)
Update (i will make update book where i will put out all my updates)
and lastly.....
Keyon The Hedgehog Beta (a project known as N.Z. has escaped from G.U.N. and doctor Eggman has tricked him into working for him. he has order his robot army to search for every powerful emerald in Sonic's and the Sol Dimension, can Keyon, Sonic and friends stop this new threat find out in Keyon BETA