No OFF button here!
Energizer Bunny has nothing on me!! ;)
I'm a Baby Mama to the most beautiful soul. My tenacious and strong-willed 3 year old little girl.
A true miracle baby! Maybe I'll write a book on that journey someday.
My little angel is the #1 reason a huge FIRE has been lit in my heart to do BIGGER things in life to serve people.
Obsessed with dogs, especially my 10 year old fawn boxer, Sadie Mae. She was my first baby girl who opened my heart to love unconditionally.
I'm a Mom-preneur!
CEO at Creative Little Leaders, LLC - Providing early childhood resources to tomorrow's future leaders.
HR Executive by day.
Supa-Star Mom by night.
Dabbling in writing my memoir! Extraordinary story. Just trying to put it into words for readers to enjoy and be inspired.
The gist of it: Growing up in extreme poverty, neglect, alcoholic parents, dysfunction at its finest, etc.
School was my refuge and I knew it was my way out... even when I was 9 years old and brought home a straight "A" report card and my Dad said he wasn't going to sign it "because "A's" are for Assholes".
Against all odds, rising above it all and being able to love with a full heart and be an inspiration to others.
Mac n'Cheese Connoisseur
I literally could live off this stuff! Probably wouldn't be healthy but I'll make the sacrifice!
Rachel Hollis and Jenna Kutcher are my girl crushes!!!
These Mamas dreamed BIG and went after IT!
Goals, Goals, Goals....
Thanks to Rachel Hollis' Life Coaching Series:
- 2019 is the year I became an Entrepreneur - working on my product prototype - Stay tuned!!
- 2019 is the year I began to write my Memoir!
Imperfectly inspiring and serving others.
Quotes that I live by:
"Do something today that your future self will Thank You for."
- Unknown
"I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." Eleanor Roosevelt
"Everything has beauty... not everyone can see it." - Confucius
- Rochester, MA
- InscritMarch 26, 2019
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Hi everyone! I posted another chapter!!!!Yikes!!! This is gaining momentum! I love it!Afficher toutes les Conversations
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