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Hey there! Would you mind telling me which books are in your series that you wanted me to check out? Thanks, Gwyn
@Khadija228 Alright, thanks! I'm rather busy with stuff, but I'll check it out once I have a chance, I promise!
@CelticWarriorQueen17 If you clicked on my works it would take you to the 3 books im working on, it says 4 works but thats bc I written a few song lyrics that I came up with. i'd want to make them into actual songs but again, not sure their even good. if you want to check them out you can, their really just a few song lyrics. but any how... the first book is Khadija's life in two different worlds *ik still kind of working on the name blah* the second book is called Highschool and the third book is Picking up the pieces. You can click on my works in my profile and it will take you to them.