So you know when you start reading a really good book, and it’s so good that you get annoyed when your friends interrupt you, reject social plans, ignore personal responsibilities, and downgrade ten levels in maturity to the point that you’re a moody mess constantly stuck in your own thoughts and unable to feel any other emotion? Like to the point that it’s really unhealthy, your wants and desires change, and suddenly you have no other motivation than to stare aimlessly at walls and consider possible outcomes of the story while you’re not able to read it? Yeah, yeah that’s where I am, and I’m going to have to force myself to forget the book and the series in order to survive and continue my not-so-adult adult life. Also this is totally about a book series that I recently started reading on here and have been so enamored by it that I haven’t been able to stop to comment but like 2 times. But like, is this really unhealthy? Because I think it is... But like, there’s not even any funky funky in it and I’m still completely lost in it. Like is this what it’s like to read a real book again without p**n in it?
I’m going to seriously have to think about this and wonder whether it’s worth it.