
Hello everyone, everything started from our anxiety who is being misunderstood for not supporting Rowoon's career —but the truth is, we love him as much as we adore our dearest Hyeyoon—. That's why we would like to show him a 'real' support form by sending him a coffee truck to the shooting location. Shall we? 
          	Support is sent on behalf of Rohye Garis Keras/Rohye Committed Fans (if in the future our CT rejected by the agency and manager regarding that name, then we, with a big and open heart, will willingly make adjustments so that the coffee truck can still be successfully delivered).
          	But, don't worry, every contributors' name will be written on the paper sign (Rowoon will sign on that paper as confirmation that he already receive our support). So, our names will all be engraved on it.
          	That's the scenario, let's pray for the best. Wish us luck!
          	Important! Due to the lack of time (Yeonmo is already start taking a shoot), we will limited the amount of remittance, minimum Rp 100.000,- but you can transfer it on installment in 2 months.
          	There is no maximum amout so if you want to support more, we are very welcome
          	How to join:
          	Click this link below (on bio)
          	 #rowoon #rohyegariskeras


 Hai kak salam kenal ya... Mau izin promosi maaf ngebalain wal nya hehehe.. dan makasih sebelumnya
          Kalau ada waktunya Mampir di story pertama aku yuk. 
          Hanya sebagai author pemula dan perlu dukungan sama sarannya karena aku hanya bisa berharap lebih. menghibur kalian lewat cerita aku.
          Selamat membaca



Hello everyone, everything started from our anxiety who is being misunderstood for not supporting Rowoon's career —but the truth is, we love him as much as we adore our dearest Hyeyoon—. That's why we would like to show him a 'real' support form by sending him a coffee truck to the shooting location. Shall we? 
          Support is sent on behalf of Rohye Garis Keras/Rohye Committed Fans (if in the future our CT rejected by the agency and manager regarding that name, then we, with a big and open heart, will willingly make adjustments so that the coffee truck can still be successfully delivered).
          But, don't worry, every contributors' name will be written on the paper sign (Rowoon will sign on that paper as confirmation that he already receive our support). So, our names will all be engraved on it.
          That's the scenario, let's pray for the best. Wish us luck!
          Important! Due to the lack of time (Yeonmo is already start taking a shoot), we will limited the amount of remittance, minimum Rp 100.000,- but you can transfer it on installment in 2 months.
          There is no maximum amout so if you want to support more, we are very welcome
          How to join:
          Click this link below (on bio)

           #rowoon #rohyegariskeras


Halo, berawal dari kegelisahan kita semua yang dianggap gak dukung karir Rowoon —padahal kita sayang dia sesayang kita ke Hyeyoon—, yuk, kita kirim dukungan berupa coffee truck ke lokasi syutingnya!
          Dukungan dikirim atas nama Rohye Garis Keras / Rohye Committed Fans (apabila dikemudian hari ditolak oleh pihak agensi dan manager perihal nama tersebut, maka kita berbesar hati akan menyesuaikan agar coffee truck tetap berhasil terkirim).
          Dan yang tidak kalah penting, mengingat bahwa project ini dadakan dan syuting Yeonmo sudah mulai, kita ambil minimal transfer 100rb ya. Agar tidak memberatkan maka bisa dicicil maksimal dalam kurun waktu 2 bulan. Jangan lupa setiap kali transfer harus isi form lagi yaa
          Adapun maksimal transfer tidak dibatasi, jadi jika teman2 punya rejeki lebih boleh banget tambah dukungan hehe
          Cara gabung:
          Silakan klik link ini

           #rowoon #rohyegariskeras


Hi, nitip promote (minta ijin juga) hehe

          Title: Simply, soundtrack of your life
          Chap: on going (one day double up) 
          bahasa: baku
          Genre:School Life, teen, slice of life, 
          JB, CHANYEOL, V
          Sinopsis: kisah 6 sahabat yang melalui hari mereka, dengan berbagai cerita. permasalahan, pertikaian, percintaan dan masih banyak lagi. cerita ini berfokus pada persahabatan dan potongan kisah hidup, jika berninat yuk follow dan mampir (akan ada banyak cerita seru dan bertebaran visual) 
          ditunggu ya temen-temen :))


          Bantu feed back, vote n read cerita aku
          Main cast Rowoon SF9 dan Ahn Hyo Seop,
          Utk main case cewe sengaja ga aku masukin, biar kita bisa berimajinasi sendiri.
          Cerita nya tentang mahasiswi yang terlahir kaya tapi rela berpura pura menjadi seorang asisten rumah tangga hanya demi bisa melihat idola nya lebih dekat.
          Namun ketika cinta nya sudah terbalas mereka harus dihadapkan dengan kebohongan dan pengorbanan.
          Link nya


@ MytraBiancca  okee syg..nant aq baca ya...soal ny aq msh sibuk..nant klo kerjaan aku udh gk segunung aq baca ya...boleh jg baca ff pertama ku yg my favorite human..hehehe...


          Sebelum nya aku mau minta maaf yang sebesar" nya... 
          Mungkin untuk beberapa bulan kedepan aku belum bisa update cerita ku dulu... 
          Di karena kan aq yg lg gk fit dan harus di isolasi.. 
          Doakan ya teman" semoga aq cepet sembuh.. 
          Jadi qt bisa berhalu ria sama" lagi
          Makasih teman".... 


@ Khaaaawla  cepat sembuh sist^^ semangat^^


@ Khaaaawla  cepet sembuh yah, fighting sist


          Bantu feed back, vote n read cerita aku
          Main case Rowoon SF9 dan Ahn Hyo Seop,
          Utk main case cewe sengaja ga aku masukin, biar kita bisa ngebayangi bahwa kita lah pemeran nya.
          Cerita nya tentang mahasiswi yang terlahir kaya tapi rela berpura pura menjadi seorang asisten rumah tangga hanya demi bisa melihat idola nya lebih dekat.
          Namun ketika cinta nya sudah terbalas mereka harus dihadapkan dengan kebohongan dan pengorbanan.