I would like to describe myself as a very straight forward person who likes to take things in her stride in a very level headed manner. Life is quite exciting to me as it has galores of opportunities and experiences to offer and I feel one should always make the right use of it. I am adventurous by nature for I like to take up new challenges. It gives me the zeal and impetus to work towards excellence. One thing I firmly believe in is that one should always strive towards individual betterment, in whichever form it may be. Therefore I'm never tired of beginning where others end.

I was never one to
patiently pick up
broken fragments &
glue together again
& tell my self that the
mended whole was as
good as new.


I dont make it a habbit to mind other's business.

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words
can never HURT ME .

I am basically a simple , adjusting and funloving person, whom others consider as sincere and friendly too.But they also consider me as modest, and I dont know whether I am all this.

CertifiedFoodie :D

  • San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
  • JoinedNovember 24, 2013

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