Why spend yourself a day in school to learn if you already know what you already need to learn? Because you need to be intelligent? Intelligence isn't needed to the outside world, it is made for people who are needed for a mind.
Dead Memories will be remake, this time I will make it even more scarier and frightening. Guess I left it in the air without finishing it, besides I was still a beginner when I made that stories. So, get ready for a new version of it.
You can see in the near future that he/she will be having a great opportunity to be become together....... forever. But, there's this time that one person/thing can change that all. you were near..... so near..... yet so far. - K.S Cruz
These past few days, I've recognized something, that life isn't about books, love, suffering, problems, and things. Life is a errands of challenges. One after another - K.S Cruz