As we had mentioned earlier, EC main (Earnesty community) is having problems right now. The account seems to have gone missing all of a sudden. We are not sure what the problem is, and we are also unable to recover the account. We have sent tickets to the Wattpad HQ and await their response. We have been informed that the response will take a few days in coming through, so we hope all of you can be patient with us. All of the contests on EC main will be put on hold for now; however, the prizes which are still left to be disbursed will be distributed through our affiliate accounts, EC poetry and Earnesty Graphics. The results of EWA will also be announced through our affiliate accounts, as well as through YouTube. We are extremely sorry for this inconvenience. This is a difficult time for us all, and we hope you can provide us with your love and support while we try to get back our 4 years’ worth of hard work.