Dear Author you have a very good plot for the story and the thrill has just started! However, by choosing Islam I hope and wish you will not hurt the sentiments of muslimahs(Muslim girls) and also I truly believe that my religion gives women equal rights and what the media portrays is absolutely false. There are true cases where girls wearing burkha have been assaulted , but to say that the burkha does not protect women is incorrect and is true many Muslimahs have incorrect ideologies. Burkha is an islamic attire worn by Muslimahs to cover themselves as you may know, but one could even wear loose clothing to cover themselves along with head scarfs.
You truly are an aspiring author and when I read your story I liked the pattern and I also hope that in the future you will write more thrilling interesting stories and not target religious related stories.
If your intention was not to hurt and wrongly portray Islam then thank you very much! Keep up the good work of writing brilliant thrilling stories in future!
Yours sincerely